Chapter 43

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Jennie's alarm went off early and she half-rolled on top of Jisoo as she fumbled to switch it off. Jisoo groaned, pushing Jennie off her and sitting up. "What time is it?" Jisoo grumbled.

"Six," Jennie yawned, stretching widely.

"Why the fuck would you set your alarm that early?" Jisoo complained, shoving her face back into the pillow.

"Because I have a business to run," Jennie told her, climbing over Rosé as she go out of bed. Rosé sat up, yawning as she stretched, before frowning at Jennie.

"You're not seriously going into the office today are you?" Rosé asked.

Jennie rolled her eyes. "I've been away from it for two weeks, so yeah, I am. I have a lot of work to catch up on."

"I'm sure you can take one more day off," Rosé told her, getting out of bed as Jennie argued. The two of them walked to the kitchen and Jennie put on a pot of coffee as Rosé raided the cupboards. Jennie took a quick shower, pulling on her bathrobe as she made her way back to the kitchen, where she could smell the bacon Rosé was cooking.

Jisoo roused herself as soon as breakfast was ready, and the three of them sat around the table, talking quietly as they ate. Jennie was stubborn and insisted on going into the office, despite Rosé's protests, but she promised that she wouldn't stay late. Quickly getting ready, Jennie left Rosé and Jisoo at her place, telling them to stay as long as they wanted to, and made her way to J-Corp.

She was met by Somin as she walked out of the elevator, and she shrugged off her coat and handed it off to her. "What meetings do I have today?" Jennie asked, waiting for Somin to hand her the coffee she was holding. Not getting a response, Jennie snapped her fingers to get Somin's attention. "Are you okay, Somin?"

"What? Oh, sorry Miss Kim," Somin apologized. "I was just... um, you said yes. Congratulations."

"Ah, right. Yes, I did," Jennie said, looking down at the ring on her left hand. "I hear you were involved in this? I should keep a closer eye on you."

"Sorry ma'am, I just wanted to help make everything perfect," Somin smiled at Jennie.

"It was. Thank you Somin," Jennie replied, returning the smile.

Handing over the coffee and newspaper, Somin stashed Jennie's coat behind the desk before following Jennie into her office. Bringing up the schedule on Jennie's tablet, Somin rattled off the names of the people Jennie had meetings with today as Jennie sat down behind her desk and powered up her laptop. There was already a pile of files and papers waiting on her desk, and Jennie sighed at the thought of making her way through all of them.


It was lunchtime and Jennie had just finished her last meeting, feeling especially grateful that Somin had scheduled them all for the morning so that Jennie could spend the rest of the day focusing on paperwork. She was feeling particularly happy at the new deal she had closed with a Japanese tech company. As Somin brought in her lunch, Jennie's phone started to ring. It was Chaerin, and Jennie swiped across to answer it, muttering a thanks to Somin before she left.

"Hi mom," Jennie said, picking up her fork.

"Hi. How are you?" Chaerin asked.

"Yeah, I'm, uh, good," Jennie said, the lie not entirely believable as it rolled off her tongue.

"Lisa went back last night didn't she?" Chaerin asked.

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