Chapter 42

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Jennie's eyes fluttered open and she felt Lisa's arms tighten around her. "Good morning," Lisa murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Jennie's head.

"Morning," Jennie yawned, looking up at Lisa through half-closed eyes, before her attention was drawn to the unfamiliar weight of the engagement ring on her finger. Smiling, Jennie looked back up at Lisa. "I almost thought it was a dream."

"No, it's real. We're getting married," Lisa said, smiling widely as she placed kisses all over Jennie's face. "Although I'm glad that you think your brain would dream up a proposal and that you'd say yes. So at least I know it's not all me."

Jennie laughed quietly, before frowning at Lisa as she realized what today meant. "What time is it? Why didn't you wake me?"

"It's barely even seven, and I didn't wake you because I rarely get to watch you sleep. You're always awake when I wake up," Lisa told her with a small smile.

Jennie laughed quietly, propping herself up on her elbows and leaning up to kiss Lisa softly before getting out of bed. "I guess you wore me out."

"Come back to bed. Would you like me to wear you out again?" Lisa asked, smiling as she held her arms open for Jennie. Smiling, Jennie crawled back into bed and

"Seven o'clock, did you say it was?" Jennie asked, pulling back and arching one eyebrow as she smiled. "I think we have some time."


They stayed in bed for a while longer, only getting up when they had to get ready for breakfast with Rosé, Jisoo and Yuri. Afterwards, they all went back to Rosé's apartment, which was half packed up for her to start moving her things into Jisoo's apartment. The five of them crowded around the dinner table, drinking coffee as they talked. They were all avoiding directly talking about Lisa leaving that night, and instead decided to focus on the fact that Yuri would be leaving at lunchtime. It was decided that Rosé and Jisoo would take Yuri to the train station, while Lisa and Jennie went back to Jennie's place, where they implied that Lisa could finish packing.

As noon drew closer, Yuri brought her bags out from Lisa's room and put them by the door. Rosé gave Lisa's arm a squeeze and picked up Yuri's bags, opening the front door and waving Jisoo out ahead of her. "We'll be in the car, mom," Rosé said, before shutting the door behind her.

With a warm smile, Yuri opened her arms to hug Jennie, holding her close for a moment. "It's been lovely seeing you again sweetheart. Come and visit whenever you want, and if you need anything, just call, okay?" Yuri said, pulling back and smiling at Jennie.

"Okay," Jennie agreed. "Thank you for everything."

"That's what family's for," Yuri said with a smile, patting Jennie's cheek affectionately. She turned her attention to Lisa, whose eyes were already filled with tears as she bit her lip to stop herself from crying.

"Oh honey," Yuri sighed, her voice cracking as she spoke. Yuri pulled her into a tight hug, and Lisa buried her face into Yuri's shoulders as she shook with tears. Jennie quietly walked into the kitchen, putting everyone's empty cups in the sink as she tried to give the two of them some privacy. Jennie's own eyes prickled with tears as she took in the sight of the two crying women holding onto each other as they had a mumbled conversation.

"Please be safe, just promise me you'll be safe. I love you, okay? J-just come home. I don't know what I'll do without my little girl," Yuri choked out, as she pulled back, wiping the tears out of her eyes.

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