Chapter 55

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The rest of January passed by quickly, and Jennie spent most of it parked behind her desk at J-Corp, trying to keep her head down, for Lisa's sake. Lisa had been gone over two months, and Jennie was growing restless – they were halfway through, and every moment had dragged. It was unfair that they couldn't be together, and on the bad days she couldn't help but feel frustrated that Lisa had gone into the army in the first place. Today was one of those bad days because tomorrow was Lisa's birthday, and today she was flying to Metropolis to visit her mom. Jennie found herself on her private jet, along with Rosé, Jisoo and Yuri. After Jennie had accidentally let slip that Lisa's birthday was coming up, Chaerin had insisted on Yuri coming to visit too so she didn't have to be at home, missing her girls, and Jennie had been taken by surprise at the thoughtfulness of her mom's gesture.

Sat in one of the chairs, Jennie frowned as she stared out the window, absentmindedly scratching the fur behind Kuma's ears as the dog slept. Yuri was asleep in the back corner, keeping as far away from the other three girls as possible so that she could rest after her long shift at the hospital. A kick to her knee broke Jennie out of her self-pitying, and she shot Jisoo a dark look.

"What?" Jennie quietly hissed, careful to keep her voice down so she didn't disturb Yuri.

"Fucking hell, can you lighten up a little? You're so moody these days. I think someone needs to get laid," Jisoo muttered.

"Jisoo!" Rosé scolded her, also looking slightly alarmed at the turn the conversation was about to take. She really didn't want to picture her sister and Jennie in that way.

"And how do you suppose I do that, huh?" Jennie snapped, crossing her arms as she frowned. "I guess I'll just go fuck myself."

Jisoo rolled her eyes at Jennie. "Jeez, I just wanted to know if we were-"

"I swear to fucking god, Jisoo, if you ask if we're almost there yet one more time, I'll throw you out of the plane," Jennie snapped, catching a glimpse of Rosé biting her lip to hide a smile. Grumbling, Jisoo slouched in her seat and turned her attention to her phone.

They were all silent for a moment, and then Jennie sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. I just... I miss her," Jennie mumbled, not looking up from her lap. Jisoo waved away her apology, giving Jennie a small, sympathetic smile.

It was another fifteen minutes before they started descending, and they soon found themselves bundled into the waiting car and on their way to Chaerin's.

"Hey, um, the house is a lot to take in, so can you just... I don't know, not be a dick for a change?" Jennie asked Jisoo in a low voice, and Jisoo raised her eyebrows, looking mildly offended.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jisoo asked.

Jennie sighed, giving her an exasperated look. "You know what I mean. You make fun of me all the time for being rich and I'm asking you, just this once, please just don't mention it."

"Would I, your maid of honour, ever do such a thing?" Jisoo asked, smirking slightly.

"Yes! That's exactly why I'm asking you not to!" Jennie said, and Rosé and Yuri bit back smiles. "Just... don't mention it please."

"Don't worry, sweetie, I'm sure everyone will be on their best behavior," Yuri assured her. "Isn't that right, Jisoo?"

Jisoo huffed as she rolled her eyes. "Would I, your maid of honour, ever not be on my best behavior."

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