Chapter 49

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Lisa didn't call the next day and Jennie was kicking herself. She didn't like the way they'd left things yesterday, even if they had kind of patched things up. Jennie sent Lisa a message, asking her to just message her and let her know she was okay, even if she didn't want to talk to Jennie she could at least just tell her she was okay. There was no reply, and Jennie couldn't help but feel hurt and scared because the only two reasons she could think of were that Lisa was upset with her or she was hurt, and Jennie didn't want it to be either, although, she'd take Lisa's anger over her being hurt any day. Trying not to worry, Jennie spent all day throwing herself into work, and it wasn't until the next morning that she started to panic.

She was sat at home, watching the news on the TV as she waited until she had to go to therapy, when there was a story about a raid in Afghanistan. It didn't say where but Jennie had a bad feeling, and she quickly grabbed her phone. Dialing Rosé's number, she anxiously waited for her to pick up the phone.

"Hey," Rosé said as soon as the call connected.

"Have you heard from Lisa?" Jennie asked, cutting straight to the chase.

"Um not since two days ago," Rosé admitted.

"Y-you didn't talk to her yesterday?" Jennie asked, panicking slightly.

"No. I'm guessing you didn't either?" Rosé asked.

"No. No, I didn't. I thought it was because she was angry with me," Jennie said, her voice shaking as fear filled her heart. "Rosé, I think there's something wrong."

"You can't know if something's wrong, Jennie. This happens sometimes, you know that," Rosé reassured her. "She's probably just busy. She'll phone today, you'll see."

"W-what if she doesn't? There's been a raid in Afghanistan, on a Taliban base, they're saying there were casualties on our side. What if it was her squadron? We fought the other day, Rosé. S-she wants to enlist again, that's what I was upset about. I don't like how we left things, what if that was the last time we talked?" Jennie babbled, on the verge of hysterics.

"Shut up! Wait – she WHAT?! Oh I am so going to kill her when I talk to her. Never mind about that now though. You stop this now, Jennie. Don't think like that, she's fine. She's fine until we hear otherwise," Rosé snapped at her. She sighed into the phone and her voice turned softer. "This is why I didn't tell you. I knew you'd panic, but just... try not to think about it, okay? She'll be fine. She always is."

"I'm sorry," Jennie said, pausing to take a deep breath. "You're right. Of course you're right. She's just busy is all."

"Right. Now focus on your therapy today, okay? Or do some boring paperwork. Read Tolstoy. Whatever shit it is you do in your spare time," Rosé told her, and Jennie felt a little bit better at the casual tone of Rosé's voice. If Rosé wasn't worried, then she shouldn't worry. Although Jennie wasn't looking forward to whatever confrontation was going to go down between the sister's – she should've kept her mouth shut.

Hanging up, Jennie turned the news off and went to fetch the dog leash. Perhaps a walk would help her clear her head.


It was the middle of the afternoon, and Jennie was just walking into the counselling centre. She wasn't in a good mood – Lisa hadn't called at her usual time, and after two days of nothing, Jennie was starting to panic, despite Rosé's orders not to. Spotting Chaerin reading a magazine in the waiting room, Jennie sighed and walked over.

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