Chapter 57

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"ONE MONTH! IT'S OFFICIALLY ONE MONTH!" Lisa yelled as soon as the call connected. Somin stifled a laugh as she set Jennie's lunch down on her desk and showed herself out.

"Whoa, okay, hi darling. I know! Can you believe it! Happy Valentine's Day too," Jennie said excitedly, staring at Lisa's face through the computer screen.

"Right! Happy Valentine's Day! Oh god, I love you so much! I can't wait. It's killing me," Lisa complained, grumbling at the thought of the next month separating them. Four more weeks and she would officially be back in National City. More importantly, she'd be back home in Jennie's arms, safe and sound.

"I love you too. I feel like I'm going to explode, I've become such an impatient person lately," Jennie laughed, picking up her couscous.

"ONE MONTH!" Lisa yelled again and Jennie choked on her food as she laughed.

"You're going to wake everyone up," Jennie said, quickly swallowing her mouthful.

"I don't care, I'm so excited!" Lisa exclaimed, a bit quieter this time though. Her eyes were lit up with excitement and Jennie knew that her own eyes held a similar expression.

"Me too! I can barely sleep, just thinking about it," Jennie told her, smiling brightly as she scooped up another forkful.

"You are sleeping okay, right?" Lisa asked, her face turning serious.

Jennie sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yes, I've been taking the pills like a good little girl and I've been getting a solid seven hours sleep a night. I promised you I'd take them, and I am."

"I know you promised, and I can see that you've been taking them; you look less tired. Like I know you're wearing makeup right now, but I can tell. But you're sleeping okay, right?" Lisa asked. There was a big difference between taking sleeping pills and sleeping, and actually having a good night's sleep.

"I mean, I feel better rested now, and I've had maybe three or four bad dreams over the past two weeks, but that's better than I thought. I hate to admit it, but my mom was right, like I knew she was, but you know how stubborn I am," Jennie grimaced.

"I think the whole world knows that," Lisa laughed. "I'm glad you're sleeping a bit better though. I wish you weren't having any bad dreams though."

"I think it's because I've been wearing myself out and not sleeping much, on top of worrying about you, of course," Jennie smiled slightly. "I don't think any amount of sleeping pills will make that stop until you come home."

"I'm sorry," Lisa said in a small voice. "You don't know how sorry I am to have put you through all of this."

"Don't blame yourself for this," Jennie said sharply. "I knew what I was getting myself into, and there's nothing in the world you could have given me to make me back out of this."

"But it's been so hard," Lisa said, letting out a deep sigh. "It's so hard, it's been hard for me and it's been hard for you, and it hasn't been fair for both of us."

"Well then just make it through the next four weeks and you can make it up to me by marrying me," Jennie smiled. "Really though, I know it's been almost unbearable, but the thought of having you back is more than worth the wait."

"Of course I'm coming back to marry you," Lisa smiled. "I'd have to be six feet under for you to stop me."

"Nope, not a good joke, Lisa," Jennie said, looking unimpressed.

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