Chapter 21

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Jennie opened her eyes to the white ceiling of Lisa's bedroom. It was eerily quiet as she lay there, absentmindedly stroking Lisa's hair, still fast asleep on Jennie's chest. The only sound Jennie could hear was the gentle lulling of the sea as waves broke on the shore before being pulled back out again. There was no sound coming from downstairs so Jennie assumed that Yuri had already been called in to the hospital.

She wasn't sure how long she lay there, but she would have been content to stay there all morning. Eventually though, Lisa's eyes fluttered open and she sat up, stretching as she looked around the room. Picking up her glasses, she slid them on and turned her attention to Jennie. Her eyes creased at the corners as she smiled at Jennie.

"Good morning," Lisa mumbled, leaning in to kiss her.

"Did you sleep well?" Jennie asked, pushing the hair away from Lisa's face so she could press a kiss beneath Lisa's earlobe, smiling to herself as she felt her shiver.

"Mmm, yes I did," Lisa whispered as Jennie's kisses trailed down her neck. Her hands came up to tangle in Jennie's dark hair as she fell back against the pillows, with Jennie sitting on top of her. Lisa's breathing hitched as Jennie tugged up the hem of Lisa's shirt, placing a kiss on her hip.

"So, were you planning on us leaving bed today or not?" Lisa asked, a breathless laugh escaping her. Jennie pulled back and looked up at Lisa, her eyes narrowing slightly as she deliberated over Lisa's question.

"I mean, we could," Jennie smiled, her eyes sparkling as she raised her eyebrows suggestively at Lisa.

"And as lovely as that sounds, my insufferable sister and her girlfriend will probably come barging in and drag us out of bed by our ankles," Lisa sighed, smiling slightly at the thought. They could hear the low sounds of Rosé and Jisoo talking down the hall.

Jennie sat up and sighed, "as tempting as it sounds to see that play out, I'd prefer not to give tweedledum and tweedledee the satisfaction."

Lisa let out a snort of laughter, "I didn't pick you for an Alice in Wonderland fan."

"What?" Jennie said, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Tweedledum and tweedledee. From Alice in Wonderland?" Lisa said, looking at Jennie expectantly.

"Oh. It's from a poem. Byrom?" Jennie frowned.

"Are you kidding me?" Lisa laughed as she got out of bed. "You've read Byrom but not Alice's Adventures in Wonderland? It's a classic! Have you watched the movie at least?"

Jennie rolled out of bed and started making it behind her. "No, I've never had much time for fairytale's, you know this."

"I know, but it's Alice in Wonderland! It's iconic. Have you read any of the original children's stories?" Lisa asked, looking at Jennie with concern, as if she was seriously worried about the fact that Jennie hadn't.

"No," Jennie scoffed, arranging the pillows neatly on the bed.

"Oh God. I can't believe I'm hearing this right now," Lisa said, shaking her head. "I'll add it to the list."

"You and that bloody list," Jennie sighed, rolling her eyes as she walked around the bed and placed a slow, lingering kiss on Lisa's lips.

"Where's your bathroom?" Jennie asked, turning around and pulling her toiletries and some clothes out of her bag. Lisa silently opened the door and walked down the hallway, before opening another door and gesturing for Jennie to walk in.

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