Chapter 11

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Jennie woke up early on Sunday, feeling tired from her late night last night. She'd spent all day with Lisa, it being the first full day they'd been able to spend together all week, and they'd stayed up late, talking for hours. Groaning, Jennie dragged herself out of bed, knowing that she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, and knowing that she'd need a lot of coffee to make it through the day.

She stifled a yawn as she frowned down at the email she was reading on her phone, eyeing the coffee as it slowly dripped into the pot. Her reading was interrupted when her phone screen lit up with Lisa's name, and Jennie hurried to answer the call.

"Morning," she mumbled, rubbing at her tired eyes.

"Good morning!" Lisa's cheerful voice sang back, "I didn't wake you did I?"

"No, I was already up," Jennie replied, lunging for the coffee as soon as it was ready.

"Good! You really should sleep more though," Lisa told her, a faint sigh coming over the phone.

"Yes Sergeant," Jennie laughed.

"So, the reason I was calling is because my sister and I always have this Sunday roast dinner thing on the last Sunday of the month, so she's inviting her girlfriend Jisoo over, and I was wondering if you'd like to come too?" Lisa asked hesitantly.

"Dinner? At your sister's place?" Jennie double-checked, her stomach tying itself into knots at the thought of meeting Lisa's sister.

"Yeah! It'll just be the four of us, and like, I've told Rosé a lot about you of course so she really wants to meet you. Jisoo will be there too, but I thought this might be a good way to meet my sister."

Jennie could hear the worry in Lisa's voice. This obviously meant a lot to her, which meant that it was important to Jennie. "Of course! Dinner sounds great!" Jennie replied as enthusiastically as she could.

"Did you want me to come over early and help you... well not cook, but like I can chop something. I'm getting pretty good with a knife now," she told Lisa, laughing at her own expense.

"Sure! Rosé has to go into work for a bit anyway, so I'll be cooking by myself."

"So, shall we say eleven?" Jennie asked.

"Perfect!" Lisa enthusiastically agreed.

"Great. Would you like me to bring anything?" Jennie asked.

"No, just you will be perfect," Lisa told her, her voice sounding shy.

"I insist. How about I bring dessert?" Jennie asked, hurrying to add, "I'll buy it of course."

Laughing, Lisa relented. "Okay, fine. If you insist."

"Any preferences?" Jennie asked. "Wait, don't tell me. I'll sort it out."

"Okay, I'll see you later," Lisa laughed.


At dead on eleven, Jennie knocked on the door to the apartment number Lisa had given her. She was relaxed for now, knowing that Rosé wouldn't be home yet, so at least she could put off the inevitable for a little while longer.

Lisa opened the door with a smile on her face. She had her shirtsleeves rolled up and she was wearing an apron to protect her clothes from the mess of cooking. "Hi!" she beamed down at Jennie.

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