Chapter 14

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Jennie frowned down at the unknown number on her screen. Wondering who was calling her, and if she'd end up getting roped into another meeting, Jennie answered with a sigh.

"This is Jennie Kim," she answered, leaning back in her chair.

"Sup weirdo," the voice on the other end came through, "do you always answer the phone like that?"

"Excuse me?" Jennie spluttered, pulling the phone away from her ear and frowning down at it. She considered hanging up, but her thumb hesitated over the red button, and she decided to find out who it was.

"Relax, Kim, it's Jisoo."

Jennie let out a quiet laugh, the voice clicking into place. Jisoo. Of course it was, who else would make fun of Jennie in such a way?

"Um, hi? Yes, I do when I don't know who's calling me," Jennie replied, answering Jisoo's previous question, and feeling confused as to why Jisoo was calling her.

"Okay, so, you know Eunwoo? And his girlfriend Joy?" Jisoo began, not waiting for Jennie to confirm or deny it. "So, they're in town for the weekend, but Lisa doesn't know though. It's a surprise. Rosé and I were going to get everyone to meet at this bar we go to, tomorrow night, so we need you to get her there."

There was a pause and Jennie realised Jisoo was waiting for Jennie to answer her.

"Oh! Um, sure, I can get her there," Jennie replied.

"Great! I'll text you the name of the bar and whatever," Jisoo told her, "Bye Kim."

Jennie put her phone down on the counter, a bewildered smile crossing her face. She shook her head before turning her attention back to the finances she was reviewing.


The next day, Jennie made sure she left the office early so that she had plenty of time to get ready to meet everyone at the bar. She wasn't nervous about meeting Lisa's friends, considering that she'd already met her sister, which was the most important. Except maybe Lisa's mother, but Jennie didn't want to think about that.

Jisoo had told her to it wasn't a nice bar so she should wear what she called 'normal people's clothes'. Jennie didn't understand what everyone meant when they told her to dress casual; she thought she had been. Any less casual and she may as well wear her pyjamas to the bar. For this, Jennie had enlisted Somin' help and had sent her off in search of some 'casual' clothes for Jennie.

She got home and rifled through the bags that Somin had had delivered to Jennie's apartment. They were all high-end designer labels, but Jennie noticed that there wasn't a single dress in sight. She pulled out one of the shirts, a pair of artfully ripped jeans, and a leather jacket. Even Jisoo wouldn't be able to argue with a good leather jacket. Giving herself a once over in the mirror, Jennie was satisfied that she would be classed as 'casual'.

Lisa knocked on the door shortly after, and Jennie let her in with a smile and a lingering kiss.

"Hi, how was work?" she asked, taking Lisa by the hand and pulling her inside.

"You look nice. Work was good! We got a lot of work done today. We had a long training session though, I'm exhausted," Lisa said, flopping down on the sofa with a groan. "I never want to wear tactical gear again."

Jennie let out a soft laugh as she lifted Lisa's legs and sat down underneath them. She absentmindedly gave Lisa's feet a massage as she listened to Lisa tell her about the rest of her day. Lifting herself up onto her elbows, Lisa stared at Jennie with a look of hesitation on her face.

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