Chapter 39

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Jennie opened her eyes to sunlight streaming in through the curtains. It fell across Lisa's sleeping form beside her, and Jennie blinked in surprise. This was the first time in five days that Lisa hadn't woken them up early from one of her dreams. With a small smile, Jennie propped her head up on her hand and watched Lisa sleep, her chest rising and falling steadily as she breathed slowly. As Jennie watched her sleep, she listened to the muffled sounds of voices downstairs, signaling that everyone else was already up, and she wasn't surprised considering that the sun was already up.

It wasn't long before Lisa started stirring, and her eyelids fluttered open to reveal her blue eyes. They crinkled at the corners as she smiled at Jennie, stretching as she sat up and reached for her glasses. "Morning," she yawned, scrunching her face up as she scooted closer to Jennie.

"You didn't have any nightmares," Jennie pointed out, cupping Lisa's face and slowly kissing her.

"Mm, I didn't," Lisa mumbled against her lips, brushing the hair off of Jennie's shoulder and trailing kisses along her jaw and down her neck. "I guess things are settling down again."

"But I still think you should think about what I said the other day," Jennie quietly told her, pushing Lisa back slightly so she could look at her face.

"I will," Lisa promised her, wrinkling her nose before smiling and leaning in for another kiss. Jennie obliging placed another one on her lips as she smiled, before Lisa resumed kissing Jennie's neck. Jennie squirmed at the ticklish feeling of Lisa's lips on her neck, and she laughed as Lisa brought her hands up to Jennie's ribs and tickled her.

"Stop, that tickles!" Jennie laughed, arms and legs flailing widely as she wriggled beneath Lisa's touch. Lisa's own laughter was cut off by a breathless gasp as Jennie accidentally kneed her in the stomach, winding her.

"Shit!" Jennie cursed, staring at Lisa as she clapped a hand to her mouth. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you. Are you okay?"

"It's fine, just winded. I'm going to get you back," Lisa said breathlessly, smiling as she lunged for Jennie, who squealed and scrambled off the bed. Her foot got stuck in the bedsheets as she tried to escape Lisa, and Jennie half fell out of the bed, catching her head on the corner of the dresser as she tripped with a loud bang.

"Fuck!" Jennie muttered, gingerly touching her head and bringing her hand away with blood staining her fingers. "Oh great, do you have any tissues?"

"Oh god, are you okay? Let me see," Lisa said, frantically scrambling out of bed and crouching down next to Jennie. She gently pried Jennie's hand off her head and winced at the blood that was welling up. "Oh no, it looks deep, I think you might night stitches. I'll go and get my mom."

Jennie climbed to her feet, rolling her eyes at Lisa as she took her by the hand. "It's fine, it'll probably stop in a minute. Come on, let's go and get some breakfast."

"Jennie, you have blood dripping down your face, I don't think it's fine," Lisa told her with a look that was a mixture of disapproval and concern. They walked downstairs and Jennie assured Lisa she was fine while Lisa nervously looked at the blood slowly dripping down the side of Jennie's face.

"What were you two doing up there, causing all that noise?" Jisoo asked when they appeared in the doorway, raising her eyebrows as she smirked.

"Oh, you know, just having some fun," Jennie said with a shrug as she walked into the kitchen.

"Mom, can you get your first aid kit," Lisa asked, and Yuri turned around from the stove to see what was wrong. She frowned at the sight of Jennie's face and quickly turned the stove off before hurrying over. Gently, she guided Jennie down into a chair and quickly moved Jennie's hand away from her head, taking in the cut just on her hairline.

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