Chapter 41

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It was the day before Lisa was set to go back.

She had seemed a little more subdued over the past couple of days, and Jennie had tried to be as attentive as possible without smothering her. They'd gone to the Veteran's Day parade, and after seeing Lisa in her service uniform, Jennie had to admit that she liked a girl in uniform, but she was secretly wishing for the day she never had to see Lisa in her service or combat uniform. The rest of their days had been spent with Rosé, Jisoo and Yuri, and their nights had been spent tucked up in bed while Lisa whispered stories as Jennie held her. Things weren't exactly easier for her, but Lisa felt less pressure to be okay, and relieved as she blurted out all of her problems while Jennie listened.

They stayed in bed later than usual, and Jennie lay there with her eyes closed, smiling slightly as Lisa traced patterns on her bare back. The sun was fully up when Jennie rolled over and stared into Lisa's eyes, gently stroking the side of her face while she smiled.

"What do you want to do today?" Jennie asked.

"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you. There's this new exhibit in town, just a small one from this new photographer. I was wondering if you wanted to go, and then we can go out for dinner of something," Lisa suggested.

"Of course. That sounds perfect," Jennie agreed, leaning in to give her a kiss. "Do you want me to get us reservations anywhere in particular?"

"Hmm, yeah that'd be nice. Somewhere nice, for our last night together," Lisa murmured. "You can pick; you know the high-end restaurants better than I do."

Jennie quietly laughed, "Deal. You sort out the exhibit and I'll sort out dinner. Is everyone else joining us for dinner?"

"Rosé and Jisoo want us to go out for drinks, you know, for a sendoff. Neither of them really like art exhibits so I guess we can just get dinner alone and then meet them at the bar later, if that's okay with you. I guess my mom will just stay home," Lisa said.

"Anything you want," Jennie smiled, threading her fingers through Lisa's hair and leaning in for a kiss. "Now, how about a shower?"

"Mm, yes, and then breakfast," Lisa said, sitting upright. Jennie slid out from under the covers, stretching as she walked into the bathroom. Lisa followed her in, yawning widely as she turned on the hot water. She laughed and clapped a hand over her mouth as she stared at Jennie, who frowned and followed Lisa's gaze. With a sigh, Jennie stared down at the small purple bruises along her collarbones and hips.

"Honestly, what am I going to do with you, huh? At least I can cover them this time," Jennie sighed, as she shook her head. Lisa pressed her lips together to keep herself from laughing and Jennie smiled as she stepped under the hot water and pinned her against the wall. Her lips grazed Lisa's neck and she felt her shiver beneath her touch. "Would you like me to return the favour?"

"You wouldn't dare," Lisa said breathlessly, and Jennie laughed against her neck, placing a kiss there before pulling back.


After lingering in the shower far too long, they made pancakes together and Jennie called Somin to ask her to make reservations for them at the best Indian restaurant in National City. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect, that their last night would be something they could both hold onto when Lisa left tomorrow.

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