Chapter 36

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Jennie was sat in her office, drinking coffee and typing away at her keyboard. Her eyes were starting to feel itchy from her staying up too late, but she was insistent that she would get through the rest of the pile before she went to bed. She jumped slightly as her phone rang and she frowned down at Lisa's name on the screen; she should already be well into work by now.

"Happy birthday!"

Jennie blinked as Lisa's words registered in her mind. Looking at the time in the upper corner of her laptop, she realized it was dead on midnight. Halloween.

"Thank you," Jennie laughed. "I didn't expect to hear from you until later today."

"Well I couldn't wait that long to talk to you. I can't stay long though or I might get in trouble, but I wanted to tell you anyway."

"Lisa Manoban, are you breaking the rules right now?" Jennie gasped.

"For you, it's worth getting caught," Lisa told her with a quiet laugh. "I'm trying to be sneaky though."

"Yeah, I can hear everyone in the background, you better keep an eye out of they'll tie you to the front of a tank or whatever they do to you over there."

"I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, and to tell you there's been a slight problem with your gift and it won't get there until later on. Hopefully you get it before I speak to you later though, otherwise I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow to see if you like it."

"If it's off you then I already love it," Jennie told her.

"I hope so," Lisa said softly. "Anyway, you should go to bed soon. What time are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Not until lunchtime, which gives me time to check in at the office before we go," Jennie told her.

"The office? On your birthday? Why am I not surprised," Lisa sighed.

"It's just my birthday, Lisa. The whole world doesn't revolve around me, sadly," Jennie said with a small laugh. "Your sister has already conned me into breakfast though, so I'll only be at the office for a few hours."

"Good, I hate the thought of you being alone," Lisa said grimly. "Okay someone's walking past, I have to go. Sorry, I love you. Have a good morning and I'll speak to you later, bye."

"I love you too," Jennie said quickly, before Lisa hung up the phone. She smiled to herself as she looked back at her laptop, and there was a warm feeling inside at the fact that Lisa had waited until it was midnight here just so she could wish Jennie a happy birthday straight away.

Finishing off her work, Jennie shut down her laptop and tidied up her desk before heading to bed.


The bell above the door dinged as Jennie walked into the café. She spotted Rosé and Jisoo in the back corner and made a beeline straight for the table.

"Oh, there you are," Rosé said, looking up as Jennie neared the table. "Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday," Jisoo said, pulling a chair out slightly for Jennie.

"Thanks," Jennie said, giving them both a smile as she sat down.

"We do have gifts for you, but we figured it would be easier if we gave them to you later so you don't have to take them to work," Rosé told her.

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