Leone Abbacchio X Fem!Reader: Rebel Yell

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A/N: Major, major, MAJOR gore, abuse, and profanity warning. I cannot stress this enough: reader discretion is advised. Also, this one shot is super long and I don't like it much. So, part two anyone?


You sat quietly in the restaurant chair as the lavender haired man stared down at you, his lips pressed together. He was suppressing a deep frown.

"Abbacchio, this is (y/n), our newest member," your boss Bruno said. "(y/n), this is Leone Abbacchio, the one I told you about."

You held out your hand. He ignored it. You raised an eyebrow, then retracted your hand. Rude.

"She seems young," Abbacchio, said.

"She's 18," Bruno said. "Older than the rest of the team."

Abbacchio gave you a slow once over, then sighed.

"If you say she is fit to join the team, I trust your judgment, Bucciarati," he said, his expression becoming slightly less hostile.

"Good," Bruno said.

"But," he said. "Why does she have metal pins in her face."

Leone was referring to the long line of metal pins on either side of your cheeks. The pins ran from the corner of your lips up to your ear, holding your jaw in place.

'A side effect of my stand' You signed to Leone.

'So, you can't talk at all?' he signed back.

'No. I can't open my mouth,' you replied.

'You must have quite the unusual stand.'

Your lips twitched, trying to smile. You winced as the flesh of your cheeks pulled against the pins.

'Yes, you could say that,' you signed.

"Leone here is the only one on the team who speaks sign language," Bruno said to you, watching your's and Leone's silent conversation. "So I wanted to introduce you to him first."

You nodded.

'So he's supposed to be, what, my interpreter?' you signed, your eyes to Bruno but your hands and body towards Leone.

"No, I am not," Leone said back to you. His hostility had returned ten fold.

"Not what?" Bruno asked.

"Her interpreter," Leone snapped, crossing his arms. "If she can't speak, she is nothing but a liability. And it is not my responsibility to take care of her."

Your nostrils flared as anger bubbled in your chest. A liability? How dare he.

Bruno gently placed a hand on your shoulder, then turned his steely gaze to his underling.

"(Y/n) is a stand user and a member of Passione. She is your equal in every way, Leone. Just because she can't speak verbally does not make her any less valuable. I expect you to treat her with respect. And yes, you will translate for her whenever she needs to speak to the others. That is an order. Understand?" Bruno said, his voice cold and hard.

Abbacchio's eye twitched as he looked at you with pure contempt.

"Understand?" Bruno said again, his tone rising.

Leone nodded once. Bruno's warm smile returned.

"Good. The other boys should be arriving in a few minutes. I'll go place our orders," Bruno said, patting your shoulder and leaving the table.

You and Leone sat glaring at each other, daring the other to make a move. Finally, you decided to be the mature one, and break the tense atmosphere.

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