Bruno Bucciarati X Fem!Reader: Eleanor Rigby

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A/N: Requested by @raspberryicecakes. Part two is now up!

It was boring to watch people go insane.

You sat at the kitchen table watching your victim pace back and forth. Your eyes followed him like a clock.

"Four minutes 32 seconds," you said.

The man's head snapped to your direction. His expression was a mix of rage, terror, and joy. Joy to have been acknowledged by another human.

The man's name was Richard Charleston. He was filthy rich from family money and investments. And of course, the lucrative side business of human trafficking. 

Two weeks ago, a distraught single mother in Britain contacted you. Her fifteen year old daughter had gone missing on a school trip in Italy(where you worked and lived), and the local police had given up on her. One of the officers had given the mother your number, saying you were the best personal investigator money could buy. She offered you every penny to her name to find her daughter. You accepted the job. For a more reasonable price, of course.

Through the same method you were currently using, you discovered Charleston's trafficking business. You had learned from an underling where the girl had been taken, and sent a more violent coworker to retrieve her. She was home safe with her mother now, as well as dozens of other girls who had been rescued. But, Charleston was still free.

So here you sat in a gorgeous Naples summer villa, watching a sick money man fall into despair from your stand: [Eleanor Rigby].

"Three minutes," you said, sipping from your mug of tea.

Charelston was dressed immaculately when you first arrived at his home; a prada suit, perfectly gelled hair, shaved face. Now, his black hair was greasy and disheveled from lack of shower. He had sweat stains in his suit and small urine splotches from lack of fresh clothes. His chin was full of stubble from lack of shave. Yes, your stand was quite cruel. 

The power of [Eleanor Rigby] was not strength or speed, it was torture. Your stand knocked people into a ghost like state. The victim could not interact with humans, animals, plants, or even objects. They were invisible to all living things and no one could hear them. They phased through physical objects. The only things the victims could touch were the clothes they were wearing and their own body. Of course you could hear and see them and vice versa, but you were wonderful at ignoring your victims. The end game of your stand is after 72 hours, the victim becomes a true ghost. Their body dies and their soul is tethered to you forever, visible only as an additional shadow on your body.

Charleston's 72 hours was almost up.

He was panicked. He rushed over to you and dropped to his knees. He clasped his hands in front of his chest, like he was praying.

"Please," he begged, voice cracking. "Make it stop. I'll do what you want, just make it stop."

You looked down at him with ice eyes. You got up and walked from the kitchen counter to the nearby desk. You pulled out a yellow legal pad and a pen, then walked back and threw them on the kitchen counter. Then, you pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

"The second I release my ability, you will make a written and signed confession of all your crimes. Then, I will handcuff you, and escort you to the police station where you will present the document, surrender yourself, and confess once more on video. Understood?"

The man was hesitant.

"One minute," you hissed. "One minute until you spend eternity tethered to me as a shadow. Not even I will be able to see you."

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