Jolyne Cujoh X male!reader: Ocean Eyes

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A/N: Co-written with  @enjoy_yourself_18. Requested by @Ty0121

You sat on the bus looking out the barred windows. The other passengers were much rowdier than you. They were standing up and hollering at each other. Some threatened violence while others made crude romantic comments. You sunk lower into your bus seat and pulled your knees to your chest. You were on a bus bound for the Green Dolphin Street Prison, also known as the aquarium.

You were from a wealthy and infamous family who made their fortune in oil. But as oil fields in America began to dry up, your family started cutting corners on safety measures and worker conditions. Then, your family started to illegally tap oil in the middle east. The reason you were going to jail is your family had forced you to sign all the documents making this operation happen.

You were the youngest of six children and the least exceptional.  Your grades were perfect and you had been accepted into Yale, but, that wasn't nearly enough to impress your family. So, the moment you turned 18, you were signing off on inhumane work conditions and illegal infiltration into foreign countries. A few days after you turned 21, your family was caught and you were blamed for all of it. Now, you were headed to the aquarium to begin your 60 year sentence.

There was one thing your family didn't know about you; a thing which made you more exceptional than them all. You were a stand user. 

Your stand first appeared when you were four. Despite the rules against it, you had been playing in your father's office. You climbed up into his leather chair and impersonated him. You spoke to your teddy bear in a stern voice and rustled around some documents. Then, your eyes landed on your father's most prized possession: a Renaissance era arrow allegedly designed to posses you. Your father had it displayed next to his name plate. You crawled on top of his giant mahogany desk, and picked the arrow up by its shaft with your chubby four year old hands. You stared at it and turned it around. You stood up and held the arrow like a spear, pretending to throw it. Your wobbly little legs tripped over your father's name plate and you plummeted to the floor. You landed on the arrow. It pierced through your stomach. You lay twitching in a pile of blood, crying, and screaming for help, for fifteen minutes until you lost consciousness. It took seven hours until a maid found you. Your family had not noticed your absence.

No one understood how you survived. But you knew. When you woke up in the hospital you found an enormous blue man with black water dripping from his eyes, nose, and mouth looming over you.  It had hair like seaweed growing on a rock. Seaweed clung to its body as if it had emerged from the ocean's depth. Two massive wings of water kept it floating over your bed. You should have been scared of the monster, but you weren't. This was your stand: [Ocean Eyes].


Your first week at the prison was a blur. You had bribed the barber and kept your (y/c) hair in tact.You didn't talk to anyone and no one talked to you. You just hid in your room or the library. It was in the library you met her.

You were reading a book about Renaissance weaponry when you heard a loud and crude laugh. You looked up but didn't see anyone in your isle. So, you went back to your book. A few moments later you heard the grating laugh again. It was even louder this time. You sat up a little more and tried to peek through to other isles, but didn't see anything. So, you settled down again. Just as you were getting back into your book, you heard the laugh for a third time. With a growl, you snapped your book closed and stood up to find the source of the awful laugh.

You stormed around the library until you found the culprit in the comic book section. It was a girl with green streaked black hair. She wore it in two buns on the top of her head with the rest braided. She was laying across a bench. Not on the bench, literally across it. Her head was on the ground as she read upside down. She laughed again. Her feet kicked into the air and her nose twitched.

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