Jotaro Kujo X fem!Reader: Ace of Wands part four

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A/N: Apologies for the roughly year long wait for part four, and apologies for abandoning this book for so long; Life gets in the way sometimes. Please enjoy!
You sat on a small mud brick wall staring out at the desert horizon. The golden sand stretched on and on like a beautiful but dangerous and desolate ocean. You lightly sipped a cup of water, trying to stay hydrated in the brutal sun of the Sahara desert. Near by, Joseph Joestar bargained with a man about buying their small plane to fly the group over the rest of the desert. After the fight against Steely Dan, you and your travel companions had started the journey across the desert on camels. But, after an enemy stand attack by <The Sun>, the camels had died and you needed a new way to cover the second half of the desert and get to the red sea.

So, you sat and waited, quietly admiring the desert, and sneaking glances at Jotaro Kujo. The two of you had not spoken about what happened last night. In fact, you hadn't spoken at all. When you had tried to say good morning to him, he just turned his back. You did not try to speak to him again.

Anxiety and confusion clawed at your mind, digging its claws deep into your memory of what Jotaro did last night. "Im erasing him." Thats what he said when he kissed your neck and ran his hands over your breasts, ass, and inner thighs. He replaced Steely Dan's touch with his own. But now he was ignoring you. Why? Did he regret what he did? Was it all the result of guilt for not helping you against Dan? You prayed it wasnt because if it was, you didn't know what you would do.

You were so engrossed in your spiraling thoughts that you hadn't noticed Kakyoin sit down beside you.

"Are you alright?" he asked you quietly and tenderly.

You snapped back to attention, and smiled at him.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just worn out from <The Sun> is all."

He nodded.

"The heat was killer. Im glad these people could wash our clothes and let us use their bath," he said.

You nodded in agreement. The entire group had been completely drenched in sweat after the fight, so you were beyond grateful to wash up and clean your clothes.

"Mr. Joestar is almost ready with the plane. Apparently we'll be taking a sick baby with us," he said. His face had strange air of trepidation as he spoke of the baby.

"Well, Im glad we'll go by plane. Im ready for some easy travel."
It was not, in fact, easy travel. The plane crashed and now you were stranded in the desert for the night. Mr. Joestar made a fire and sat by it gently rocking the baby while he told stories of the other plane crashes he's been in. You made a mental note to never get in another plane with him. The plane crash story lead to him telling you about his battle against the pillar men 40 years ago and then the story of Dio and Johnathan Joestar 100 years ago; the story that started it all. By the time he was done, the fire was nothing but embers and Kakyoin, Polnareff, and the baby were fast asleep. Mr. Joestar yawned and stretched his arms high into the air. You heard his metal hand clicking.

"Time for this old man to turn in for the night. Sleep well y/n, and remember to bundle up. Its only going to get colder."

You nodded, and the man curled up with a blanket and fell asleep. Now that you weren't engrossed in stories of the past, you realized just how cold it was. A shiver ran through your body. You pulled your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them. Your short and light weight dress had served you well so far, but in the plummeting temperatures of the Sahara at night, you were envious of your companion's warmer clothes. You tipped your head up, gazing at the stars above. It was incredible. The sky was so clear you could see the Milky Way Galaxy streaking across the sky in a brilliant array of white, indigo, and rose. Another shiver ran over you.

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