Enrico Pucci X Male!Reader X DIO: Lovely *lemon*

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A/N:  @heccitssnek .Sorry this took so long! As it says in the title, this one shot contains heavy smut. There will be a section of smut with Pucci which I will indicate with an *, so feel free to skip that and read the rest of the one shot.


The morning you woke up nude in the arms of a priest was quite a bizarre one. Though, not as bizarre as the night before.

You were an archaeologist running an excavation in Cairo, Egypt. You were searching for an old relic rumored to grant great power, and you were certain it was located here in Egypt. You didn't believe the legend shrouding the arrow, but you did believe it was real and old. Depending on its age, the relic could redefine the timeline of human civilization.

One night, after a long day of shoveling sand, translating hieroglyphs, and performing theoretical calculations, you decided to unwind with a drink in the bar of the hotel you were staying at. You sat alone at the counter and ordered a simple gin and tonic.

"I'll have the same," a smooth voice said behind you. "Please," it added.

You turned your head and saw a handsome white haired, dark skinned man hovering barely half a foot behind you. He noticed your turned head and smiled down at you.

"May I join you?" he asked, already sliding into the bar stool next to yours.

"You already have," you commented, both annoyed and suspicious.

You didn't want to make small talk; not even with a handsome man. You were too tired.

He chuckled. It was a light, sophisticated, sound.

"So I have," he responded.

He placed his elbow on the counter, then rested his chin in the palm of his hand, staring at you.

You gave him another quick glance and noticed the cross adorning his suit and the white spot on his collar. You snorted quietly to yourself. Was he trying to convert you in a bar?

"You seem stressed," he commented, examining you closely.

You shifted uncomfortably in your seat.

"I can tell from your jaw and shoulders. Tense, both of them," he continued.

"It was a long day at work," you said as the bar tender brought your drink.

You picked it up and too a heavy sip. The priest ignored his drink.

"What is it you do? For work," he asked, watching you closely.

You sighed, but chose to humor this strange man.

"I'm an archaeologist," you answered. "I'm leading a dig on the outskirts of Cairo."

"That must be quite an exciting job. I imagine you move around quite a lot," he said. 

"I do."

"That must be quite lonely," the man said, swirling his drink around its crystal glass.

You raised an eyebrow. Was this man flirting with you?

"It is."

"Well, that can't be easy. Especially for such a handsome man like yourself."

He was definitely flirting with you. Isn't homosexuality a sin in Catholicism?

"I don't mind it much," you said. "Romance wouldn't be on the table for me even if I had a normal job," you elaborated.

You were starting to feel a little tipsy. During this conversation, the mysterious priest had ordered you four more drinks. He had yet to take a single sip of his.

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