Jonathan Joestar X Fem!Reader: Spring

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A/N: First six will be the Jojos of each part in order. REQUESTS OPEN! I will do NSFW topics if they seem interesting.


You had never seen so much space. Your face was pressed to the carriage window as you and your father barreled down the dusty roads of the English country side. You had been born in the city of London. Though you loved the activity and invigorating quality the city held, you were amazed by the sheer mass of space the country side offered. You were surrounded on all sides by green: green hills, green fields, green trees. You could ride for miles without seeing a single house.

The reason for your endeavor had nothing to do with you. Each year, your father left the city to visit his old friend, George Joestar. You knew very little of the Joestar family. You knew they were an older family than yours, and wealthier. You also knew George Joestar had a son the same age as you.

You had never left the city and for the past seven years you had begged your father to bring you along. Your father had always refused for fear you would cause trouble. However, you were now twelve and he had deemed you mature enough to accompany him. You would be staying at the Joestar manor until the first leaves began to change. When Autumn came, you would return to London.


You exited the carriage behind your father, straightening your cerulean blue dress as you did so. You had just begun to wear corsets and heavier skirts. You hated them both.

"Mr.Joestar!" your father exclaimed.

You looked up to see an impeccably dressed, warm faced man descending the stairs of an enormous manor. It had to be three times the size of your London town house. You stared up at it in awe, admiring the beauty of the architecture. You did not notice the two boys following behind George Joestar.

"Mr.(L/N)! It is wonderful to see you again! These seasons do change too slowly," George said, giving your father a warm embrace. "Ah," he said, taking note of you. "This must be the lovely (y/n)."

You gave the man a small nod, then curtsied perfectly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr.Joestar," you said, etending your hand.

George chuckled a little. He bowed in return and kissed your gloved hand.

"The pleasure is all mine," he replied. "What a perfect young lady," he said to your father. Your father nodded his head.

"I raised her to be," your father said.

That is when you heard muttering. As your father and Mr.Joestar talked, you slipped away and investigated the sound. Standing a few feet behind Mr.Joestar were two young boys: one a scrawny blonde and the other a burlier boy with blue hair.

"Hello," you said to them with a smile. "I'm (y/n)."

The larger boy blushed deeply and went stiff.

"O-oh! My name is-"

He was cut off as the blonde hip checked him to the side.

"I am Dio Brando, adopted son of George Joestar." Dio bowed to you, a cunning look on his face. "An honor to meet you."

You curtsied lightly. He took your hand and led you back to the grown men. He did not pull you, but he was very forceful in his guidance. Most men were laxer when they took your arm. Dio made sure you walked away without speaking to the blue haired boy in the dirt.

"(y/n)," George said as you approached. "I see you have met Dio."

You nodded and smiled. Dio did not release your arm despite arriving at your destination.

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