Joseph Joestar X Fem!Reader: Annoying

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From the moment you met Joseph Joestar you found him insufferable, cocky, arrogant, and annoying. Perhaps this sour opinion stemmed from your first introduction. He had seen you from the training ground on Lisa Lisa's island and yelled:

"Hey pretty maid! Bring me some lemonade!"

Safe to say, you were not a maid. You were Lisa Lisa's assistant teacher.

You had trained in hamon with Lisa Lisa when you were very young, starting at age eight. She became like a mother to you. But, when you were fifteen you received word your estranged father had resurfaced in your home country of France. So, you left Lisa Lisa's island to track him down and get an explanation for why he abandoned you and your sick mother(now deceased) nine years ago.

After three years of searching, you eventually learned he had died of an accidental drug over dose in a dumpster alley. You were devastated, angry, and perhaps satisfied that he had died in such a low manner. You decided to stay in France to work through these complicated feelings on your own. The years went by and soon it was 1938. You had been in France for an additional three years, six in total away from Lisa Lisa. Just as you were beginning to contemplate returning, you recieved a letter from your former couch. It read:

My dearest (y/n),

I need your help. An ancient evil has resurfaced in our world, the Pillar Men. They will undoubtedly come after the red stone of aja in my possession. Both Caesar, your old training partner, and a young man named Joseph Joestar have become entangled in this mess. I ask you to come home and help me teach Joseph the ways of hamon.

Your friend,

Lisa Lisa.

Of course you responded immediately with a yes. You were flattered and surprised Lisa Lisa would ask you to help her. You were only 18, after all, and hadn't officially trained in six years. But Lisa Lisa knew you had unrivaled talent in Hamon and would be invaluable asset  in the battles to come. So you packed up your flat in Paris, and charted a boat to the island. It was the day you arrived the maid debacle occurred.


You had disembarked from your boat on the island; your old home. You had only an over the shoulder satchel with you(your other belongings had been shipped and arrived the previous day). You were wearing a navy blue skirt and white tights as well as a white blouse with frilly sleeves. You could not wait to be rid of this lady like ensemble. You found it misery to fight in a skirt.

You supposed your outfit must have resembled a maids as when you past the training yard on your way in, you heard someone call out to you.

"Ay!" a hulking man said with spiked brown hair said, approaching you. He was wearing a breathing restriction mask and a dark green shirt. The shirt left little to be desired as it clung to his toned body perfectly. "Did you hear me? Its thirsty work being so manly," he said, flexing in different poses.

Your first instinct was to sock this presumptuous, sexist, and cocky man. But, instead, you chose a more entertaining route. You clasped your hands and held them to your chest, pushing up your breasts. You stuck out your lower lip and bat your eyes at him.

"Oh my?" you exclaimed. "Your training looks so very difficult and tiring. However do you do it?" you said.

If this man had not been so blinded your act, he would have easily heard the sarcasm in your voice. Instead, he grinned.

"I guess its just my incredible strength that keeps me going," he said, dipping his arm in front of his chest and flexing in your face. You giggled and caressed his muscular arm. You squealed.

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