Josuke Higashikata X buff!male!Reader: Beef Cakes

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Requested by @RobinLowens

"Look! Theres (y/n)-kun!"

"He is so gorgeous!"

"Those muscles!"

"I bet he could carry me in his arms for miles!"

You blushed a little as you walked through the halls of your school. The compliments from squealing girls was nothing new to you; you had been swooned over since middle school. The reason for this was simple: you were incredibly buff. You towered at 195 cm(6 foot four) with muscles to put a Greek god to shame. Your shoulders were incredibly broad and your jaw chiseled like a sculpture. You had a naturally intimidating air about you which tended to drive boys away and brought girls closer. You didn't exactly mind having so many girls clamor over you, but none of them were actually interested in you. They liked your appearance and imagined you as a standoffish, gruff, and tough person. This could not have been farther from the truth. You were a very soft person in heart and mind. You tended to become flustered easily and were easily overwhelmed. You were naive, forgiving, and overly apologetic. You loved small animals like kittens and puppies and had never been in a fight. But no one was interested in seeing this side of you. They all perceived you in the way they wanted to; whether that be as a cool guy, a poser, or an asshole.

You were so lost in these self reflective thoughts, you didn't notice the girl in front of you. She was focusing on the multitude of heavy school books in her hands and not looking where she was going. You collided. Her books were scattered and she lost her balance. Before she could hit the ground, you wrapped and arm around her waist and pulled her into your chest. The girls surrounding you swooned while the boys rolled their eyes at your antics.

"Are you alright?" you asked the girl, looking down at her.

She looked up at you with big, glimmering, eyes. A faint blush painted her cheeks.

"Y-yes," she said in a quiet voice.

You gently brushed a few strands of loose hair out of her face.

"I am terribly sorry. I should have been paying more attention," you said, still holding her close.

"N-no! Its my fault! I couldn't see over all my books."

You released the girl, and picked up all her books. You easily balanced them all in one hand.

"Please let me carry your books for you. It will be my apology," you said, smiling down at her.

The girls watching the scene all squealed.

"T-thank you, (y/n)-kun!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around your free arm and snuggling herself against you.

"It is no trouble," you said, blushing a little.

You walked the girl to class and placed her books on her desk before taking your leave. You made your way to your own home room class and sighed in annoyance when you saw who was waiting for you outside the door: Josuke Higashikata.

The pompadour wearing boy was leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed, and a forced scowl on his face. Josuke was a very sweet person, but around you he always tried to act tough and intimidating. You were one of the only people he didn't like. Maybe he saw you as a rival for girls. Maybe he was jealous of your physique. Maybe he was trying to assert some sort of dominance. Whatever the reason for his distaste, you didn't know. But every day without fail Josuke made some snide pass at you. It was completely out of character for him and baffled all his friends.

"Well well, if it isn't the hero of the hour," Josuke said. He was trying to make his voice lower to match yours.

"What do you mean, Higashikata," you said with a deep sigh.

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