Noriaki Kakyoin X Male!Reader: Seven of Cups

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Requested by @bitchandcunt  . Definitely not my best, but, short and sweet.

A/N: This imagine contains homophobia, bullying, and use of the slur 'f*ggot'. Reader discretion is advised.

The suit of cups represents emotions and love while sevens correlate with Venus, the planet named for the Roman goddess of love. With a stand name like this, it was no wonder you were a romantic sap. You felt all emotions very deeply. As such, you found the societal standard of men not showing their emotions to be ridiculous. You were a man unafraid of his own mind, heart, and soul. Of course this made you an optimal target for insecure, vigorously heterosexual boys, insecure in their mascunilinty. They would throw every slur they could think of at you. Their favorite, without a doubt, was f*ggot.

"Hey, f*ggot!"

Speak of the devil.

You crossed your arms and turned to face the approaching mini mob of homophobic classmates.

"Yes?" you said.

No matter how they used it, you didn't take the word as an insult. It was true, after all: you were gay. However, you refused to give into their insistence it was a terrible thing. It was just who you were. Nothing wrong with being true to yourself.

"I heard we're roommates on the Cairo trip," the leader of the little gang, Jacopo, said.
He stepped forwards and grabbed the front of your shirt in his fists.

"You best not try anything on me."

"Believe me, I have no interest in you," you said, unbothered by his threatening grip.

You felt a sharp pain across your face as he punched you. Your vision blurred a tad and you tasted blood.

"Did I say you could speak?" he said, shaking you back and forth.

You placed a hand on his and squeezed, digging your nails in. A humanoid figure, invisible to everyone but yourself, kissed Jacopo's hand lightly. The bully released you immediately.

"Great. Now I have to go wash my hands. Don't want to risk catching your disease," he said.

He and his gang left. Once they were out of sight, you slowly sunk down to the floor, your back against the wall. You pulled your knees to your chest and pressed your face into them, trying to control your breathing. You tried your damndest to be unflappable and strong, but everyone has limits. And you were rapidly approaching yours. It had been like this since you were nine. Now, a handsome boy of 17, things were only getting worse.

Your stand emerged and lightly kissed the bruising cut on your cheek. The mark vanished.

"Thanks, seven," you said.

The stand smiled and hovered next to you. It placed a blue gloved hand on your shoulder, trying to comfort you. Your stand had manifested the first time you were beaten to a pulp by Jacopo. You had been walking home when he and three friends cornered you. They knocked you down, stole your stuff, and beat you until you could barely breathe. Then, they left you alone. You lay on the dirty cobblestone alleyway, watching as the blue sky slowly faded into black spots. Then, a face appeared, hovering over you. It was humanoid, but seemed robotic. Its skin was metallic pink with blue lips and two blue stripes across its face forming an X. The colors inverted at the chest. Its torso was pink, while the X was blue. The stripes connected at the neck and blended together in an ombre. It didn't seem to have legs, but two wings of pink lace kept it floating above you. It lowered its pink lips, and kissed your wounds, seeming to heal them. This wasn't exactly the case.

Your stand had the ability of command. When it touched its lips to a living organism, it could command it to do anything. This included ordering cells to rapidly heal wounds. Earlier, it had ordered Jacopo to leave you alone.

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