Jotaro Kujo X Fem!Reader: Ace of Wands

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You and the other crusaders took cover and plugged your ears as your corgi, Phil, released his sonic bark on the enemy. The enemy stand user dropped to his knees, clutching his head as his ear drums exploded. His stand dissipated as its ability to create water vibrations was interrupted.  The user passed out under Phil's barrage of barks.

Your possesed corgi trotted back to your arms as you and the others emerged from your hiding place. All the trees in Phil's area of effect had been ripped from the roots.

"Good boy," you cooed as Phil jumped into your arms. He licked your nose and you giggled.

"Yare Yare daze," Jotaro mumbled from next to you, irritated with the canine companion.

You rolled your eyes.

"Shut it, Kujo. Phil just saved our lives. You don't have to say thank you, but don't be rude," you chastised the tall boy.

"Tch," he said, and lit a cigarette.

You growled and ripped the death stick from his fingers and threw it on the ground, stomping on it. He glared and lit another. You ripped it away again.

"Stop taking my cigarettes you bitch!" he yelled.

"Stop trying to smoke cigarettes! They're unhealthy!"

"Don't try and tell me what to do!"

"Then don't try and do stupid things!"

"I can do whatever I want!"

"Not if its dangerous and dangerous to the rest of us!"

"Its a god damn cigarette!"

"Cigarettes kill!"

You huffed and nuzzled Phil.

"And Phil is very sensitive to smoke."

Jotaro rubbed his face angirly.

"Yare yare daze, its a damn mutt. Stop treating it like a baby."

You gasped.

"Phil is not an 'it'," you said, offended.

"Its a stand," Jotaro said, glaring.

"No," you said, extending your arms and pushing Phil into Jotaro's face. "Phil is a dog possessed by my stand."

You pulled Phil back to your chest.

"Now, apologize to my dog!"







Jotaro summoned Star Platinum and you put Phil onto the ground. The small puppy growled menacingly at its enormous foe. Your show down was interrupted by copious and hearty laughter. The two of you looked over and saw Joseph laughing.

"You two," he said, wiping tears from his eyes. "Are just so in love!"

You and Jotaro made eye contact and gagged.

"No way!" you said. "I hate him," you said, pointing at him accusingly.

"And I hate her," Jotaro said, crossing his massive arms.

"I think the fact we hate each other is the only thing we can agree on," you said and Jotaro nodded.

Kakyoin nodded, his chin in his palm.

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