Josuke Higashikata X fem!reader: Golden days part two

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A/N: As requested, part two for Golden Days. I do love the reader's character in this one. Also, I'm curious as to how many of you will catch onto the last line. Comment if you get it. 


It is safe to say your uncle Yoshikage was not happy when he learned just how much you had spent on clothes. Shaking with rage, he ordered you to return nearly all the garments as soon as the stores reopened the next day. Giggling a little, you agreed; you had expected this. Coincidentally, tomorrow was also your first day at your new school.

You cooked breaded fish with various side dishes for yourself and your uncle, then sat down for what promised to be an awkward diner.

"So," you said, trying to make conversation. "Uncle Yoshi, what-"

"Do not call me that," he said sternly.

You rolled your eyes.

"Fine, fine," you said. "Your name is just so long. Its annoying."

He didn't respond, just kept eating. You blew some hair out of your eyes.

"I'm sorry about the clothes," you said. "Honestly, I just wanted to get under your skin. Seems like it worked."

He still kept quiet.

"You know, your conversation skills are severely lacking," you said, poking at your food. "How do you hope to catch a girlfriend if you can't hold a conversation?" you added. "Or boyfriend," you said, after a moment. "I don't judge."

Your uncle slammed his fist down onto the table. You jumped, dropping your fork.

"Stop being a brat," he said.

"I'm just trying to-"

"I said. Stop," he said, cutting you off. "Did my sister never teach you proper respect?" he said, leaning over the table. "Did she just let you run wild in Tokyo?"

"Basically, yes."

Though your tone was snide as ever, your hands trembled violently. Your uncle was terrifying.

"Well, I would be happy to step in for her and discipline you," he said, his lips up turned. "Severely."

You swallowed hard. You didn't want to know what his version of discipline was.

Your uncle stood, and snatched a shaking hand out of your lap.

"Do I scare you?" he asked, leering down at you.

"Ha! Of course not," you said, lying.

"Your hand says something different," he said, pressing it against his cheek. "You're shaking."

"Thats cause you grabbed my hand," you said, snatching it back. "Weirdo."

Yoshikage returned to his seat and smoothed back his hair. He went back to eating, the anger completely gone. You sat still for a few moments, frozen in shock.

"Eat," he said. "Your first day at this town's school is tomorrow. You need to be well energized and well rested."

"R-right," you said, returning to your diner.

You both spent the rest of the meal in silence. After you were done, you washed the dishes and nearly bolted up to your room. You closed the door and locked it, pressing your back against the wooden surface. You slowly sunk to the floor as tears welled in your eyes. You pulled your knees to your chest, taking deep, shaky breaths. What the hell was wrong with your uncle? The way he could go from terrifying to civil so quickly;it wasn't right. And this was the second time he'd snatched at your hands! Who does that? He wasn't right. There was something, deep inside that man, that was rotten. And you were scared of what he might do to you.

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