Diego Brando X Fem!Reader X Johnny Joestar: Little Lady part two

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A/N: As requested, a part two for "Little Lady" with a wholesome ending. This has a lot of Diego, but is ultimately Johnny. I guess spoiler alert for deaths in part 7? Also, do you all prefer oneshots which break 4,000 words(such as this and "welcome home") or shorter ones under 2,000 words (such as "Annoying")?


Your passenger ship pulled into London harbor after weeks of sea travel. Though part of you was terrified to return home after your disastrous romance with Johnny Joestar, you were glad to see land again. However, you were surprised to see a carriage bearing not your family crest, but that of the Joestar family, waiting on the docks. The driver saw you standing on the ship, and rapped on the carriage door. Out stepped a man you detested more than your own father: George Joestar.

You made your way off the ship after thanking each of the crew members, and approached the man.

"Mr.Joestar," you said, curtsying. "To what do I owe the pleasure? I do not believe this to be a happy coincidence."

George took your hand in his.

"I am afraid this is neither happy nor a coincidence. You see, dear girl, your father has passed away."

You were shocked.

"P-pardon?" you said.

"Just two weeks ago. A fever took him," George said, a faux expression of sorrow on his face. "God rest his soul."

You struggled to suck breath into your restricted lungs and body. George held your arms as you hunched over, gasping.

"In the carriage, dear one," George said, lifting you into his carriage.

He gently placed you in the carriage seat, and sat himself across from you.

As the carriage rolled along, a thought struck you. You were an unwed woman and by English law could not inherit your family's estate.

"The business. Estate. Fortune. Who will it go to?" you asked George.

"The will reading is scheduled for three days from now," George said. "But I already know many of the details. The fortune would pass to your husband, but seeing as my wretched son broke your engagement, you are void in the will. The fortune will pass to me instead," George said, not hiding his broad smile.

"Ah," you said, dread overtaking you.

"I can see the worry on your face," George said. "Do not fear. I don't intend to leave you penniless. Quite the contrary. This is the money of your family, and I believe you should be privy to it," George said, leaning forwards and caressing your face. "Your father and I always wanted a union between our two families. So, Ms.(y/l/n), will you become my wife?"

You felt nauseated.


The word was out of your mouth faster than you could think. In the name of self preservation, you should marry George. If not, you would be sent to the poor house. But never could you bring yourself to wed Johnny's father; the man who abused and disowned him. The very thought was revolting.

George's facade broke. He gripped your hand tightly.

"Do you not understand the situation you are in, girl? You have nothing."

"No. I have nothing in three days," you said, taking your hand from his. "My father's will does not specify whom I must marry, simply that I wed. Three days is adequate time to find a husband," you said.

George laughed. Loudly.

"Play your game, little lady. Once you realize just how disgraced you are here in England, you'll realize I am your one choice," George said.

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