Noriaki Kakyoin X Fem!Reader: Queen of Pentacles

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A/N: Requested by @blanksouless The request was for a human sized chibi Kakyoin X caring and nurturing reader. I found this in my drafts. Apparently, it got lost among documents. A thousand apologies to the person who requested. I actually think they have deleted their account, but I'll still go ahead and post this.


You were shocked by the sight in front of you. Absolutely bewildered; no, more than bewildered. You were flabbergasted, astounded, dumbfounded, benumbed, stupefied!

Kakyoin lay on the dusty ground in front of you, but, he wasn't your Kakyoin. You watched as his chiseled jawline and defined face morphed into a chubby, adorable, face. His head grew bigger, as did his eyes. His neck shortened until his large and elongated head rested directly on his chest. His limbs shortened as well, and became chubbier. He looked like...

"(Y/N)!" Jotaro yelled, from across the dirt road which served as your battle field. "Fix him, don't just stand there!"

"R-right!" you said, snapping from your daze. "<Queen of Pentacles>!" you cried, pointing at Kak's unconscious body.

From you emerged a humanoid figure made entirely of flowers knitted together like a daisy chain. The flowers were in every color imaginable and each was marvelously fragrant. Your stand kneeled by Kakyoin and picked a green flower off of its body. You winced as a wound opened on your body where the flower was picked. Your stand blew on the flower, and its petals sprinkled over Kakyoin's body, healing him.

You called your stand back and took its place by Kakyoin's side. You pulled his red haired head onto your lap and gently stroked the soft curls. You watched his cuts and bruises fade away, but, his bodily altercations remained. Your fears had been correct: Kakyoin was under the ability of an enemy stand.

He began to wake up as the stand user Jotaro had been fighting escaped. The hulking man cursed under his breath before making his way to you. Kakyoin opened his very large green eyes, disoriented. The first thing he saw was your face above his. Your (h/c) hair reached down and tickled the sides of his face. He smiled up at you, comforted by your sweet (e/c) eyes. But his comfort ceased when he processed the worried expression on your face.

"(Y/n)," he said. "What's wrong?"

"Well, um, uh," you stuttered, trying to answer him.

In all honesty, you didn't know how to answer him! The only thing you knew for certain was your stand could heal anything, except the ability of another stand. For instance, you couldn't help Joseph when he was under attack by [Empress], or Jotaro when [Yellow Temperance] was eating away at him. But, you could easily heal the wounds caused by a stand fight. Your stand's physical healing abilities knew no limit, but you could not rid a body of another stand or its ability.

"What? What's wrong?" he said, trying to sit up. He quickly tumbled back into your lap, shocked by the weight of his head and lack of neck. He tried to reach a hand up to his face but, it wouldn't reach.

"<Queen of Pentacles> healed your wounds but," you pressed your hands together, feeling extremely awkward. "It seems the enemy has afflicted you with their ability."

"What's the ability?" he said, alarmed.

"I'm not sure, exactly, but, you seem to be turning into a, um," you took a deep breath. "Chibi."

Kakyoin stared up at you for a moment.


You blushed and crossed your arms.

"I don't know! You look like a human sized chibi!" you yelled, very loudly.

"He what?" Jotaro said, finally reaching you. His leg had been seriously injured.

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