Chapter Thirteen

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Once we got dropped off at school from the regional meet I said goodbye to Lauren before I made my way home. When I park in the drive way, I notice that my parents aren't home. Walking into the kitchen, I see a note on the counter.

Spending the whole night in the office, will see you tomorrow afternoon. 

-mom and dad 

I walk upstairs to take a quick shower and get ready to pick up the guys for the party tonight. Normally I would only get Lauren from her house, but she said she was tired and wanted to catch up on sleep. I didn't want to go to the party by myself, but she insisted that I go and have fun with the guys. 

I let my hair air dry and put on a hoodie, jeans, and my timbs before grabbing my keys, phone, and wallet. I send Jax and Matt a message in our group chat letting them know I was on my way to Matt's to get them. I got stuck with being the DD tonight since I'm still in season and I got blasted at the last party. 

I make my way over to Matt's and honk the horn once I'm in front of his house. They both walk out of the house and both of them reach for the passenger seat door. "Dude I called shot gun ten minutes ago." Jax says whining. 

Matt shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Cam wasn't here, therefore the claim is invalid." He pushes past him and gets in the passenger seat. He sticks his tongue out at Jax before he gets into the backseat. 

"You guys are children, you know that right?" I say driving off towards a beach house that one of the football players lived in. 

"If anything, Jax is the idiot." Matt mutters under his breath. 

"Am not." Jax replies. 

"Am to."

"Am not!"

"Am to!" Matt turns in his seat exclaiming loudly. I turn up my radio shaking my head. These are my friends ladies and gentlemen.


I sit on the couch scrolling through my Twitter feed keeping an eye on Jax and Matt. Mainly Jax since he is a mess when he drinks. The strobe lights going off in the house, Post Malone's Psycho is blaring all throughout the house. Jax plops down next to me on the couch and puts his arm around me. 

"Y-yo man, take a s-shot with us." Jax slurs leaning on my shoulder. 

"Nah man, I'm good."

His breath smells reeked, I don't even think a mint or any type of gum could make it slightly better. He spots a Jamie with the rest of Lauren's friends and makes his way over to them. 

I keep a eye on him a bit while I look for something that was anything but alcohol. The kitchen counter and the island was covered in alcohol. I spot a bowl of what looked to be juice and poured a cup. 

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you." I turn and look down to see that Beverley was talking to me. I raised an eyebrow at her and took a sniff of the juice. "It's jungle juice."

"Oh, well thanks." I wanted to keep the conversation short because for one I don't like talking to her. Secondly, I knew that Lauren would kill me for even speaking to her. 

"Here," she tries to hand me her red solo cup.

"No thanks, I'm the DD tonight." I begin to walk away, maybe there's a water bottle somewhere in my car. Beverley grabs my arm pulling me back to her. 

"It's water, I promise. I'm just trying to sober up."

"Oh...uh well thanks I guess." I take a sip and hand it back to her. Instantly I regret it since I feel my throat get super dry. My head started to throb and my vision started to blur. I stumbled back getting away from her and end up falling back into the wall. 

She smirks at me and grabs me pulling her closer to her. She forcefully presses her lips on mine and holds me tightly as I try to move away from her. As I try pushing her away from me, I see a bright camera flash.

Beverley finally pulls away from me. I turn to see Sam smirking at the scene as if he accomplished something. Everyone nearby is staring at me either shocked or disgusted. I hear the guys coming over as my vision gets worse. Before I know it I feel my eyes get droopy and succumb myself to the darkness. 


I slowly open my eyes and groan as soon as I do. I regret leaving the curtains open even though I never planned on drinking at all. I don't even remember how I got home last night. I look over to see a glass of water and my bottle of advil on the nightstand. I sit up looking for my phone, spotting it under my pillow charging. 

I pick up the pills and swallow them while unlocking my phone. I check the messages with Matt and Jax to find out what happened last night. 

Me: Yo, I don't know how I got home last night, but thank you.

Matt: I drove you home. I sobered up and brought you and Jax home. He was SHITFACED!

Jax: Was not...anyway, what was going on with you and Beverley?

Me: I think she drugged me...

Matt: Guess I should bring it up to you and let you know that she and Sam took a picture of it happening and posted it on social media. I don't know if Lauren saw it.

Jax: Dios Mio...

I immediately called Lauren, but she didn't pick up the phone. All I hoped was that she could let me give her an explanation the next time I see her.

I called Lauren all weekend thinking she'd talk to me. That did not happen. I have been dreading today, but I needed to explain myself because I love her too much to lose her. 

The next few days went by dreadfully slow which made my mood worsen. Getting ready for school today was hard. I usually didn't have bad Mondays, but today was a first. I just threw on some random clothes and made my way to school. I parked my car next to hers and went to her locker figuring that she would be there. 

I spot her and Jamie talking at their locker. Seeing the flyers of Beverley and I made me feel so guilty. I couldn't help but notice Beverley and Sam staring at her. I make eye contact with Lauren with sad eyes. 

"Hey, can we talk?" I asked sadly, with my voice cracking a bit.

Lauren begins to open my mouth to say something but closes it when we both hear Beverley calling my name waving at me. Lauren closes my locker and walking away from me to go to her class.


Hope you liked it! As always, I'm sorry about any missed typos.

Don't forget to like, comment, and pressure.

Please stay safe with Corona!!🤢🥺


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