LM • ! IMessage ¡ • LM

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Hello Louis, we would just like to tell you that you have a stunt with Eleanor tomorrow on the 20th of March. You two will meet up at Altwood Market.

Reason ?

You know Louis. I'm sure Harry's shown you the messages and rules. You've already failed at following them, which wouldn't be new since you enjoy going against rules don't you?

It was a picture of us at a restaurant, what's so bad about that ? Just say they were lying and leave it at that, you're so fucking unreal.

The picture and words they said and took have already set action and now rumors are blowing up. You can't change my mind no matter how hard you try.

This is bullshit. I'm not doing the stunt.

Yes you are Louis. You know what we've done to the others, would you like that to happen to you too?

You aren't gonna do shit.

You signed the contract Louis, we can easily take 20 million dollars if you don't obey.

For a fucking stunt ?!

This isn't new to us Louis, you always put up of a fight, it's only a matter of time until you break and can never put that act on again.

You're a fucking model agency, not Harry's bullshit label, what's the big deal of having an lgbtq+ member ?!

Everything, lgbt members are disgusting and horrific. Opposite sexes are the only sexes you're supposed to love, lgbt members are mental and can't understand that. YOU can't understand that. If you ever came out with everyone else, our company would fall apart and our followers would get disgusted and leave. Same with Harry's label. Do you see where I'm getting at? Now, you're going to the stunt whether you like it or not.

You're all horrible people, I hope you die honestly. There's nothing wrong with being part of lgbtq+ community you fuck face. Love is Love.


Fuck you.

Read at 10:43am

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