Fair Game: Coma pt.2

Start from the beginning

"What's the matter with you?! How are you so calm about dying!?!" Qrow asked starting to get mad.

"No kid would be like this...you're not a kid are you? Y-you're that reaper thing, are you!?" he yelled at the girl.

"I tried making this easier for you by taking this form...but it seems like you're just too stubborn." Angel said, no longer smiling.

"You stay the h*ll away from me!" Qrow said backing away from the girl.

He runs to his hospital room and finds Angel standing at the foot of his bed.

"Please, just leave me alone...I don't want to die." Qrow begged.

"Nobody wants to die, Qrow Branwen, but it's all something we must do one day. You can't run from it forever." replied Angel.

Qrow looks around the room, he sees his family, the people he loves dearly, surround him. He doesn't want to leave them, he wants to watch his nieces grow up, he wants to grow old with the man he loves.

"I'm sorry, but I am not going anywhere. I refuse to just lay down and die. There's so much more I still want to do." Qrow said in pure determination and defiance.

"Qrow..." Angel said.

"You heard him, get out, he doesn't want to go." said a voice, Qrow immediately recognized.

Looking towards the voice, Qrow sees that familiar white cloak and silver eyes.

"Fine." Angel muttered before disappearing.

"S-Summer?" Qrow asked shocked.

"Hi, Qrow." Summer smiled hugging him.

A choked sob escapes Qrow's mouth as he hugs his old friend back.

"What are you doing here?" Qrow asked.

"I'm here to help you. Spirits can perform one miracle per decade...and I'm using mine to help heal you...to bring you back to them." Summer replied nodding towards the four at his bedside.

"I'm proud of you, Qrow. You have made such good progress with yourself. You're a great man and a great huntsman." she told him, holding his hands.

Summer stands on her toes and kisses Qrow's cheek.

"When you wake up...tell Tai, Yang, and Ruby that I love them and that I'm very proud of them. Also tell that Clover guy that I like him and that I'm greatful for him taking care of you. You guys deserve each other." Summer asked.

"O-okay." Qrow agreed, crying.

"Now close your eyes." Summer said.

As Qrow closed his eyes, Summer cups his face and presses their foreheads together. Then there's this warmth that spreads throughout his body and suddenly he's waking up in the bed, choking on the tube down his throat.

"Help! Somebody help!" Ruby screamed.

A doctor and a nurse rush in and help Qrow. An hour later wakes up again.

"Hey guys." Qrow said, his voice rough.

Clover practically jumps on top of Qrow and hugs him.

"I...I thought you were going to die!" Clover sobbed.

"Me too." Qrow replied.

Then Ruby, Yang, and Tai join in on the hug.

"How...how are all of your injuries healed? It doesn't make sense." Tai asked, very confused.

"You guys wouldn't believe me if I told you." Qrow answered.

"Tell us anyway." said Yang.

"Well...I kinda had...an out of body experience. I was around, no one could see or hear me. I heard everything you guys said...all of it." Qrow explained.

"So...you heard what I said?" Tai asked.

"Yes, Tai. Don't worry about what happened last time we spoke...I forgive you." Qrow assured him.

Smiling, Tai hugs his best friend, and brother.

"How did you get healed?" Ruby asked.

"While I was in the coma...a reaper tried to get me to cross over. But I refused, I didn't want to leave you guys. And suddenly...Summer was here...she..." Qrow continued his story.

The huntsman had to take a minute to compose himself and wipe his tears.

"She healed me...basically revived me." Qrow told them.

Now everyone else was in tears.

"She also told me to tell the three of you that she loved you...a-and that she was proud of you...all of you." Qrow tells Ruby, Yang, and Tai.

"Really?" Ruby asked, tears streaming down her face.

Qrow nods and hugs his nieces and Tai tightly.

"And Clover...Summer says thank you for being there for me. She likes you." Qrow told his boyfriend.

This makes Clover smile. Once the doctor released Qrow from the hospital, him and the others go to his and Clover's apartment and hang out. The whole time Clover clung tightly to Qrow's side.

"I love you." Clover whispered into Qrow's ear.

"I love you too." Qrow whispered back.

Even though he was 100% healthy, Qrow was still made to take two weeks off to recuperate from the crash. Clover made Qrow rest and take it easy the entire time, waiting on him hand and foot. Qrow was greatful that he survived this and that Summer had saved him just like old times.

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