(Spring) Chapter 7: The Hybrid

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Clara closed the book loudly her face pale at all the implications. ''People are worshiping the Dragons?! But they destroyed everything!'' Marie squeaked at Clara and rubbed her head against the girl's arms. Clara putted the book back into the trash can and petted the top of the head of the winged mouse. ''I'm okay Marie, I just hope not everyone see Dragons as saviors. Because I'm not sure I could stand living in a world that worship these monsters.''

Clara and Marie stayed in the basement all day. When night finally came and they were sure no one was left in the building, they slowly made their way upstair. Just as she hoped there were more books in the main area but most of them were still from before the Invasion. Finally she came in front of an interesting book. It was called 'Elestia for dummies: A Basic Guide On How To Deal With Elestia'

''That word again, what is an Elestia?'' Marie maked a chittering sound as if to say 'how should I know?' ''Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to look. I just hope this is not another book for a crazy cult.'' Opening the book she began to read with great interest.

I assume most people know what an Elestia is. But in case you've been living under a rock since 2069. Elestia are creatures with great and terryfying power. They can be found everywhere, in the forests, jungles, the sea, the rivers and even the sky. As I'm writting this they have arleady replaced the previous ecosystem of Earth.

Some say they should be erradicated from the face off the Earth, while other suggest they could become our allies. But I'm not here to debate what we should do with them. I will only try to help you understand them better. Firstly Elestia are divided into eight category or as most commonly reffered to, eight Natures. Fire, Water, Earth, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Mind and Death.

Well you can probably figure what most Natures do with their names but let me explain it in more details. Even thought Natures are named after a single element they sometime have multiple attributes, One of the most well known is Earth. Earth Elestia can control plants around them, but that's not all. If they become strong enough they can also control the earth itself to create small earthquakes or throw rocks at their foes.

But no matter what an Elestia can do with their Nature. The most important thing you should understand about them is that they are not animals. Sure they might look like it at first glance. But they are definetly much smarter. Some go even as far as to say that they are sapient, whether that's true or not I could not say at the moment.

And yes I can arleady hear the question. If they are so inteligent why do they live in the wild and attack us like savage animals? The response to that is that while they are very inteligent they are much more guided by instincts than humans ever were. Not only that but even if they tried to built a civilisation the Dragons would probably destroy anything they would make. Just like they did with humanity by forcing us to live only in small settlements.

Another theory suggest that the Elestia worship the Dragons. And as such refuse to build any civilisation as to not threaten the natural order their deities created. I do not know if that theory have any weight. What we can learn from these creatures is very limited since as of now they do not speak the language of humans. Even the few Chosens I have managed to speak to all say that the Elestia are very tight-lipped about anything that has to do with the Dragons. But enough talk about that for now.

Now you might be wondering what is a Chosen? Well a Chosen is someone who became master to one or multiple Elestia. A lot of people hate them and call them traitors of mankind. But even if you hate them you cannot deny that they are the last line of defense humanity has left against wild Elestia and the Dragons. Sure there is also the Knights of Humanity, but they can't be everywhere. And I for one do not approve of how they threat the settlements they protect. Everywhere they set foot I see drought of food and people being killed for befriending any Elestia. And the leaders of such settlements become nothing more than a puppet bending to the every whims of the Knights.

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