Chapter 42

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~ Prince

Running my fingers through her fur is a satisfying experience. Her fur is the softest thing I've ever felt, I could pet her for hours. I could also feel the sparks more prominently with her in this form.

I look down to find her falling asleep. Apparently she is enjoying this as much as I am. Eventually she stands and stretches. I pull her close and bury my face in the back of her neck and take a deep breath. The smell of the cherry blossoms is stronger too.

She trots over to the tree where her clothes are. I quickly strip my clothes and sneak over. She has shifted to her human form. I scoop her up before she can get dressed.

She squeals as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"What are you doing?" She says laughing.

"We're going for a swim." I smerk as I walk toward the water.

"Why are you naked?" Her voice sexy in my ear.

"I don't want my clothes wet" I reply sarcastically.

I wade in to the water and set her down. Her cheeks a blaze as she sits quickly in the water.

"Don't worry about modesty here, I've seen you naked before." I reassure her.

"I know...I not used to it or seeing you naked." She squeaks. She tries not to look.

I love this side of her, it never gets old.

"You can look at me whenever you want. In fact I want only you to see me. My body is yours feel free to touch me where ever. I know you're curious about my body. Please, be bold. I'm excited to see what you'll do." My voice starts smooth but ends up husky and seductive.

We move to a deeper part of the swimming whole. I pull her on to my chest wrapping her legs around my waist. I cup both bottom cheeks as I support her weight. Both her hands are in my hair, with her tongue in my mouth. I feel my cock harden at her touch and her taste.

I never realized how hungry I was for her until now. I could take her now, my cock twitches and I moan into her mouth. I move down to her neck nipping and sucking.

She has my ear lobe between her teeth. A playful growl leaves her throat. I can feel my wolf stir, waking slowly. I hear his encouragement in the back of my mind to take her.

I reach that spot on her neck, I suck and nibble there. Her back arches and she moans throwing her head back. I lower her body so I can feel her clitoris with the head of my dick. So close..just feeling that sends waves of pleasure up my back. I moan softly as a response. She rolls her hips as I rub the langth of my shaft across her sex. She's ready, she wants this. Sex in the water is not always the greatest.

So I carry her to the blanket. I go back to where I left off. She kisses me so deeply and passionately. I'm about to slip inside when I hear a voice holler from down the river.

What the hell!? I grab the towels from the basket. Her eyes are wide as she wraps the towel around her and she takes off toward her clothes. I dry off and get dressed as Violet does the same.

Dominic comes around the bend in a flat John boat. Violet settles down next to me, her cheeks flush from arousal. My wolf is annoyed at the interruption and is grumbling. Me too quite frankly, so close this time. I'm going to her room tonight and locking the damn door.

"Hey! Am I interrupting something?" He asks smoothly as he climbs out of his boat.

", just about to eat." I say pulling out the food from the basket.

Violet smiles politely and hugs her knees. I can tell she's annoyed, but hides it well.

"Why don't you join us, Dominic." She offers gesturing to a spot next to me.

He sits down next to her instead. She moves closer to me. She seems uncomfortable. I glare at him, he's crossing a line. I don't know his game. Is he testing her loyalty? Or is he putting the moves on her. I thought he didn't like her, but maybe it was because he wanted her for himself.

I did ask him what happened last night at the ball. He just waved it off as my imagination and Violet was overreacting. I think there's more to it, I've known him my whole life. He's been acting strange ever since that night in the park when I first met Violet.

I think it's funny he shows up unexpectedly whenever I get intimate with her. Like he's trying to prevent us from getting close.

We eat our lunch with light conversation. Then we pack up and head back. I bring her back to my guesthouse, Dominic tagging along. I kiss her deeply and possessivly, before departing. She heads to her room for a shower. I have a meeting with Father over a few prince duties, then I have a training session with Jack.

Tonight I plan on surprising Violet with a small dinner in her room. I'm locking the door, no more interruptions. If it escalates again like it did at the waterfall, I'm claiming her.

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