Chapter 33

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~ Violet

I have to force myself to sleep, I was so giddy. Sabastian said we had to finish this round to appease his father. After that he can dismiss the other girls and claim me properly. I still flush at the stupid look on his face as he winks. His suggestive comment makes me laugh.

I found his mess in the bathroom trash which explains why he didn't try to go farther.

I had a hard time getting him to leave. He wanted to sleep next to me. I insisted we would have plenty of time for that. He left reluctantly with a deep passionate kiss.

I watched him walk down the hallway shaking his hips. He knew I was watching. I sigh as I pull the covers up to my chin.

Today I have to get ready for the meal for tomorrow morning. I pulled the recipe for strawberry blini, Russian crepe. Easy. Flour is not something we have to make, just like salt, sugar, yeast or any other grain. I just have to go to the palace's mill storeroom.

The strawberries are in their greenhouses seems how it's out of season. So it shouldn't take long to be ready. This is actually my family's favorite. We usually make it on my birthday or a special occasion.

I have a stack of blueberry waffles with Leo and Arthur. Then head out the door. I stroll through the garden and notice Dominic reading a book while sitting on the edge of the fountain.

"Good morning, Dominic. What are you doing?" I sit next to him, looking over his shoulder.

"Hey! Just a herb directory. Where are you off to?" He replies snapping the book close. Strange.

"To the greenhouse to pick some strawberries. Why, wanna come?" I rise and trun to face him.

"Sure." As we walk together to the greenhouse he asks, "So I see you are getting real close to Sabastian. He seems to be getting closer to you too."

"Yeah, but I'm sure he's paying attention to the other girls. I mean, I try not to think about it." I reply with a shrug.

"Is that what you think? I wish that were the case. Ever since he met you at the park he hasn't done anything with the other girls." He says smoothly.

I furrow my brows and stop. He turns and faces me. "You wish that was the case? What? You don't think I'm good enough for the Prince?" I put my hands on my hips.

"No,no. That's not true. It's're not his type." He puts his hand on his chin and pours his eyes all over my body. "I can say you are without a doubt beautiful with those luscious curves and alluring eyes." He stops and bites his lip. What is he doing? I don't like how he's looking at me. Calypso's hair rises with visible shivers.

"But?" I prod to snap him out of it.

"But you're much too..." he waves his hand in the air trying to find the word to describe me. "Intense. Yes, your strength and independent demeanor. He likes soft temperament women. That are meek, quiet and gentle. You're too intense." He finishes, satisfied with his answer.

I'm not sure how to take it. He's not insulting me. I am battle. I would even say lethal. But I can be gentle...and quiet, maybe. I do tend to get sassy, I never had much of a filter. On the other hand, I never had a need for one. My parents taught me to say what is on my mind.

Now that I think about it, I did sass Sabastian and it didn't go well. Especially in the interrogation room. I'm almost surprised he took me to the hospital.

"Dominic, you don't know me. He has spent time with me, and he seems to like me. But you, seem to be against me."

"I'm not against you, Violet." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "I want what's best for my best friend. I'm on his side. I'm just concerned he hasn't given the other girls a chance, to give him something to compare you to."

"I see. Well I didn't go seek him out down a the river, if that's what you're implying, he came to me, and scared the hell out of me! And if you think I'm going to turn him away because I feel sorry for the other girls, your crazy! I'm in it to win it." I'm starting to get sassy. There it is again. I didn't realize how snotty I sound.

"And what are you trying to win, Violet, his title or his heart?" He crosses his arms.

His question catches me off guard. I never thought about his title, and it never occurred to me that the other girls would. When I look at Sabastian, I see a handsome, intelligent, man full of complexity I wish to unravel. I wonder if Dominic has asked the other girls the same question.

"I want his laughter, joy, and pleasure to come from me. I want his affection, loyalty, and love. I want to be there when he needs me most, where I can ease his pain or suffering. Does anything in that sound like I care about his title? I can do these things in a shack by the river." I say filling with rage.

He stands there looking at me. Apparently stunned. I shake my head and walk briskly by him.

I hurry and get the ingredients around and put them in the refrigerator in the guesthouse. I do more training with Leo and take a shower. I'm still rattled by Dominic's words. I decide to go for a walk to clear my mind.

I run into Joy. We talk for a bit, she tells me she picked the stir fry for lunch tomorrow. I guess in return she wanted to know what I pulled. So I told her. No big deal, I trust her she's my only friend here. Later that evening during my jog through the garden, I see Angel sitting at the fountain. She crying so I approach her. She wipes her face trying to hide it.

"What's wrong Angel? Don't stress tomorrow, it's just a formality. Once get through this round, we'll get more time with the prince." I say rubbing her back.

"Oh, it's not just that. I want to impress him with my cooking. I hope this could be an icebreaker. But the card I pulled is impossible, it's lamb pelmenti dumplings."

"Did you get all the ingredients around?" That intrigues me, sound delicious.

"Yeah, I didn't do anything to the meat yet, but I have until tomorrow night." She sounds deflated.

"Well, do you want to switch? Mine is fairly easy, and I already have all the stuff for it. It's strawberry blini, tomorrow morning."

Her face lights up, she jumps up and down, "yes!yes!"

She rushes inside to get her ingredients. We met in the guesthouse kitchen and swap stuff. She leaves with a smile on her face. I guess I do feel sorry for them, they never had a chance.

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