Chapter 13

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~ Prince

I came to the guesthouse to bring Violet back to her hotel. I had an interesting game in mind for her. However my father had other plans.

"Sabastian, I need to speak with you. Have one of the other guards bring her back to her hotel." My father orders.

I nod but disappointed. Violet looks up and smiles at me. "Sorry about our plans, Sabastian. Maybe we can reschedule?" She brings her hand under her chin like she's thinking. She runs her finger against her bottom lip. I'm not sure why, but when she plays with her mouth, it turns me on. I want to taste those full pink lips so bad. Yet she evades me.

"Maybe tomorrow yes?" I insist. I casually take that hand away from her face before I lose control right here in front of my parents. The touch of my hand seems to have given her goosebumps. I even spy a chill run down her back. Oh, yes I like the effect I have on her, but she's so strong to resist. I smile and kiss the top of her hand. She nods, speechless.

"Violet, you forgot to mention why you were sent here. Where do you fit in to our Goddess plan?" My father calls after her.

She stops in the doorway then turns around. She looks to her hands. "Simply to find my mate." And with that, she turns catching my eyes, she winks and leaves.

My father's wheels are turning. I seen that look before. I shut the door before I sit at the table with my parents. I greet my mother with a kiss on the cheek.

"So what you find out?"

~ Violet

Three days left before I go into the Colosseum. I did get a message from my parents saying they would be there. I've done a lot of training, I feel as though I'm as ready as I have ever been. I hate that I'm the last day. I seen three girls die and the prince calling a tie to spare the girl losing to that alpha chick. Today I've watched two more girls take their last breath.

It's lunch time and I'm at a cafe with Joy. Stacey is getting ready for the next battle. I can't watch. I'm so happy I didn't have to fight one of these girls. I've gotten rather close. Joy will fight tomorrow. Luckily there are no alphas in her group. We made plans to go to a pub either victory or drown our sorrows.


We're at the pub, Stacey is at the bar getting more drinks. She didn't win the battle, she submitted. I'm thankful she is still with us. Joy and I are playing a game of 8 ball pool. Stacey brings the drink and then sits in the recliner, gazing out the window.

"You gonna be okay? You know we're here for you." I say as I sit in the chair next to her pulling her into a hug.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I'll be moving into the palace tomorrow. They said I'll start learning my duties." She says with a sigh.

"Want to play a game? Maybe it will take your mind off it." She nods and I set the rack.

We play a few games and have a good buzz on going. Music is playing, we are all having a good time. Three men have come in the bar a half hour ago, and has been watching us. They're sitting in the corner and ordered some drinks.

Stacey and Joy are playing. I'm sitting in the recliner. I've been watching the men out of the corner of my eye. Their eyes are cold and thirsty as they drink us in. They don't try to hide their stares.Two of the men are dressed casually and smell of wolf and something a can't place.

The other man bleach blonde hair combed back and is dressed in a black dress shirt, steel gray three piece suit, and black shiny oxford shoes. His jacket unbuttoned, I spy a long blade on his right hip and a pistol hanging in a shoulder holster o the left side. He's drinking wine while the others whiskey. He watches me with those dark green eyes. A sinister smerk on his face.

Joy and Stacey were getting uncomfortable, so they decide to leave. I offer to walk them home, but they refuse. I stand and embrace them both, then they turn and leave. I linger, it was only 10:30pm. I walk around the billiard table, gathering the balls to rack them. Two of the men get up and leave, the other orders another wine

Something doesn't feel right. The looks I'm getting from the guy are intense. I think the girls are in trouble. I down the rest of my drink and head out the door. A gust of cool crisp air touches my face. I wrap my arms around my self and start walking towards their hotel.

It's dark with few street lights. The streets are empty with hardly any noise. It's an erry feeling, a knot forms in my gut. I walk past the park on full alert. Well the best I can, because I have a pretty good buzz on. I pass a few shops and then I see them. The two men from the bar.

One is holding Stacey down on the bench. The same bench where we met. The other guy is on top of her. I think he's trying to rape her. With out thinking I race over there, tripping almost falling on my face, I wonder if I should get help but there's no time.

As I get closer I can hear Stacey whimper and pled for him to stop. I tap him on the shoulder and lean closer to his ear.

"I think she said stop. Do you not understand no." My voice smooth as glass.

He freezes. I back up a step. He turn his upper body to look at me. A devilish smile develops on his face. I glance at Stacey real quick. She's terrified, her eyes pleading for help. He stands up tall, the other guys let's her go and he rounds the bench.

This isn't good, and I left my whip on my bed. He laughs then looks to his friend.

"Hey look, she came out just like he said she would." Then he nods behind me.

I spin around to see the third guy from the bar but he's carrying a bow staff. He twirls it around his eye glow in the night. Vampire. But these guys are werewolves. Oh damn I'm in no condition to fend off a vampire! Damn those fruity drinks for going down smooth!

He clicks his tongue. "Hello Violet. I've been anxious to meet you. I see dear old mom, Vanessa, and Jordan finally let you out of their oasis. How are they? In good health I'm sure, because of your Goddess." His voice starts out smooth then transitions to distain. He knows my parents?!

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