Chapter 2

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Prince POV

I stare into my food like it has the answers to my problem. Swirling my fork absentmindedly as my thoughts float around. My parents sit across from each other farther down the long table. My brother, Trever, sits to my left.

The contest begins this week, the twenty five girls came in the other day are already in their hotels out in the village. After they fight in the colosseum, it should narrow it down to at least ten they'll get a room here in the palace.

The thought of them turn my stomach. I don't want just any female, I want my true mate. I slept with quite a few females, but it reminds me of... porage. Bland, tasteless. Providing a need but unsatisfying. And every one of them only wanted me because I'm a prince. I can have my choice.

Father told me the signs he knew to find a true mate to our slumbering wolf. A kiss, their taste, it's special between mates. A pleasant taste, sweet and tangy. The other sign is the sex. It's supposed to be a unique intense, toe curling experience. The pleasure unmatched by none other. There's a few that are subtle, scent, an unnatural draw.

So I've gone out searching for her. No luck. I kissed many, I slept with some. Some I thought I was drawn to, but in the end, I confused infatuation with a genuine connection.

I searched every known pack in my kingdom. I needed more time, but Father has waited long enough.

These contests have been a traditional way to tell a true mate. It's how Father found Mother. They're perfectly matched. I already know some of these girls are not my mate. I checked when I went out.

But Father insists if I can't have my actual mate, I'll get the best in the kingdom. This contest will make them earn a place at my side, my queen. can I tell if they really love me? I want what my father has, a mate like my mother.

My mother is the sweetest woman alive. She's caring, kind, gentle,dosile and submissive. I'd even say obedient.

Father is the one who wants me to have a strong cantankerous mate. One who can defend herself in a moment and any children we have together. So he pushed for this battle face off to be apart of the contest.

Strong women turn me off. With their pride, and smart mouth, stubbornness. They tend to be narrow minded. They get themselves into trouble with their bravery and make poor decisions. They take too much energy, a headache. I shake my head at the thought.

To my surprise, mother agreed with him. I remember when we sat down to discuss the arrangements for the contest. Mother reminded me about the third assassination attempt. I gave in to Father's demands, however I changed the rules so the battle would be split. Which would give the girls a chance to submit. If they didn't when the time ran out, death was the only way out.

"Saba, what's wrong?" My mother coos in russian. Concern written on her face.

Inside our home russian is our native tongue. We have to meet with other countries and some of the packs in our kingdom speak other languages. So outside the palace, English is used, it's a common language used in every country when speaking to a general group of people.

She pulls me from thoughts. "No worries, just have a lot on my mind."

"Why don't you go into the village and check out the females with your good friend Dominic? You might as well start getting to know them."

"That's a good idea. He's always in for window shopping." I laugh.

Today will be the day the girls draw the numbers. Four fights each day for five days. There are ten alpha daughters that I'm aware of, which generally have abilities.

The rest are daughters of Betas, Delta, and Gamma from each pack. One was sick so Father looked into one more applicant. Apparently there was a hidden pack in my territory in the Ural mountains just east of us. Violet Valentine. Not much is known about her, she could be the one I've been looking for. 


We walk through the streets, which are full of vendors selling popcorn, hotdogs, blooming onions, icecream, and funnel cakes. The air smells delicious.

There's children running around, laughing. Carnival music plays with noise of the stands that are set up for games.

I notice the girls mixed into the crowd. Their bright sashes with their packs symbol stick out. I see most of the alpha chicks sitting by themselves. The lesser keep together in cliques of two or three. They are all beautiful, a head of every color. Some strait, wavy, curls, and one with ringlets.

I wander around stopping to talk with each one briefly in their own language. I find it helps them become comfortable. They have no idea they spoke to the prince. I chuckle at the thought.

After an hour of chatting I sit down at a bench. Still no sign of Dominic. Some of the girls I haven't met before. So my spirits lift at the prospect. I was only in Scotland a few days before Father called me home. It makes him unsettled when I'm off the main land.

Across from me is a small puppet show geared more toward children but it has caught the eye of one of my girls.

She's kneeling, I can see the left side of her profile. Dark wavy hair caskaid down over her shoulder and down the center of her back. It's hard to see her shape the way she is sitting but it looks to be a firm average built. It's hard to see her eye color but her nose is a short button shape with high cheekbones. I notice her sash to be the Ural pack. It's Violet!

The puppeteer tells a story in russian to the children who sit in front of Violet. He makes a funny noise and I see her raise her hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh. Her smile is breathtaking.

My heart flutters, I start feeling strange in my head, like something is stirring. I brush it off as nerves. She knows russian, that's something to note.

She stiffens and looks around. Then gets up and walks into the crowd towards the popcorn stand. Everything is free for them, the vendors and shop keepers keep tabs on each thing they get so I know what they like.

I stand and follow Violet at a distance to observe her.

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