Chapter 5

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"Very good, Keith. You are good a this game!" She laughs. She looks delighted.

"I see you like games, no?"Keith is back to his suave and even flirtatious self.

"Oh, yes. We play many games in our pack. I enjoy a challenge. You play many games here?" She touches his shoulder, which he seems to be liking. Are they flirting here in front of everyone, what is her game?

"Yes we play many different ball games and card games. What games are your favorite?"

"I prefer strategy games, Beta Keith. Games like chess, or card games like Gin rummy or poker-"

Keith cutting her off, "You play poker, astounding Miss Valentine. You any good?"

I almost missed the pink forming on her cheeks as she laughs and looks down at her feet. "I'm afraid I don't have a very good poker face." With a wink.

"Well I think all it would take is a little more practice and you'll get better. Is this the first time you left you territory?"

"Yes, so you would understand that the experience a little overwhelming. You're culture that I've gathered so far is...good. We still worship our Goddess and are blessed by her. We give her the credit for our protection and provision. I'm happy to know the king and prince has made efforts to turn back to Her as well."

I have to say that confession came to a shock to me. They worship the Goddess! And are blessed? Wow. I'm disappointed she's an alpha, however she doesn't act like one at all. But than again she's had complete control over the entire conversation. Keeping the questions away from her pack, not giving much away. Maybe there is hope though, I can't help myself. I want to know more, I must talk with her.

Keith thanks her, and she returns to her seat. He informs everyone that there will be a party tonight and to enjoy. Then he dismisses them.

The crowd disperses and I notice Keith pulling Violet aside. I walk through the people, I send Dominic to find out what they're saying. I need to get home to get ready for tonight. I'm going to speak with Violet.



After being dismissed I stand and decide to head back to my room to rest then get ready for the party tonight. I hope my little game on the stage made the prince uncomfortable. I needed him to leave, Calypso's whinning was getting unbearable. She even howled sadly and paced a whole in my head. I have a headache now and need sleep.

Unfortunately Beta Keith motions me over. I make my way over and then I stand before him. He smiles slyly. I've got a card up my sleeve ready and waiting. I now know who I'm fighting, but I need information.

"Miss. Valentine, I feel I should reassure you that you are safe here. We accept responsibility for the girls as their parents entrusted us with your safety. "

"Except for the killing inside the colosseum, of course." I say with distain. 

"Of course. You seem uneasy about this, no?"

"I'm curious about how many alphas I'm up against for this round. You wouldn't be able to help me with that could you?" I reach out and touch his shoulder and step closer him. I flutter my eyes and bite my bottom lip.

I'm laying it on thick but I need him to cave.

He seems effected by my flirtation. Which surprises me, I'm terribly at this. Seduction is a tool taught in the assassins course. Leo was a master of seduction, until he found his mate. He said it was best used for getting information or to get you out of a tight spot as a last resort. This part of the course made me uneasy. I usually bomb when ever I try. I'm thinking being an assassin is not my calling.

What good is being lethal when all they got to do is touch me intimately and I freeze like a deer in the headlights. Now, a warrior or bodyguard, I can keep an opponent at arms length.

His eyes scans the surrounding area and licks his lips. Then he takes my hand gently off his shoulder and puts his other hand on top of mine.

"Unfortunately there are three other Alpha daughters and a Gamma. Their abilities are quite strong. The Gamma doesn't have a ability. It seems only alphas and their children have abilities. You have one, right?" His eyes are full of concern.

"Yes. Do you know what their abilities are?"

"No, sorry. But I do know they are all different and an element of nature. I hope that helps."

I nod and smile, he releases my hand. I thank him then turn towards my hotel. As I'm walking back, I noticed two of the girls I'm suppose to fight. Kathleen Flint and Angelica Mitchell. Something is not right about them. I'm not intimidated, but they have a look about them of pure evil. Their stare at me as I walk by is icy and cold. No emotion at all. Like they are empty behind their eyes.

I walk quickly to escape the gaze. Once in my room. I write a letter to my parents to let them know when my fight is and to see if they will send me my trainer. I could use an extra pair of eyes to watch my back. I pull out one of my doves and attach my note. Then walk to my window and release the bird.

Then I take a shower and lay down for a nap. A few hours later I wake. Rubbing my eyes I stand and go to the bathroom. I brush my hair then pulling it up into a messy bun.

Then I go to my closest and pull on a pair of blue jeans and black suade long sleeve top. I grab my black hiking boots. I take one last look in the mirror.

Calypso sits happily wagging her tail. She's content for now, but I have a feeling my mate is going to make an appearance tonight. She surely hopes so. I roll my eyes and leave my room.

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