Chapter 10

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~ Prince

I'm standing on the balcony, surveying the city. I was so close to finding out if Violet was my mate. She wanted me, I had her in the palm of my hand. I could have taken her. If I was successful at touching her lips with mine I might have. I have such a strong attraction to her, much more than the other girls so far. I'm almost sure she's my mate.

However, I still don't like the fact how strong and skilled she is. They would have got me if it wasn't for her. Any shyness and gentleness she had melted after she rolled us, staying on top of me. Pure dominance and power filled the air around us.

I swear I heard a low rumble come from her chest as she stood. Quicker than a wink, she threw a small throwing knife into the darkness. A sick thud was heard then a body falling to ground.

We were soaked, it had been raining. Lightning clashes through the clouds. The flash illuminating the forest floor. The rolling thunder put me on edge. I stood, I wanted to see my attacker but Violet grabbed my arm. I turned around to vituperate her, instead saw that her eyes were glowing, her expression stern. She simply stated it wasn't safe and we should leave.

I'm not gonna lie, it freaked me out a little bit. After we started back, I offered her my jacket. I draped it around her shoulders and turned her to face me. When she looked up and thanked me, her eyes were normal. Did I imagine it. I did almost die.

Maybe that was part of the training she mentioned. Either way I need to tell Father about her. He'll be here shortly. I wonder how he'll take it. I will probably not be allowed to leave the palace.

"Son. You needed to speak with me." Father said to me in russian, closing the door behind him.

I told him of the new assassination attempt, and how Violet prevented it. He's alarmed, but thankful she was there.

"Bring her here for dinner tonight. I want to thank her personally." He smiles and pats my back.

"There's something else you should know, Father." He raises an eyebrow, curiosity in his eyes. "I found out her pack has been protecting secrets about the Moon Goddess."

"What?! How can this be? This is...what we prayed for, yes?" He leans on the banister now deep in thought.

We stood for a while before he spoke again. "Yes, she needs to come here for dinner. Send a messenger to let her know. And we'll have a few guards pick her up."

"Father, she doesn't know I'm the prince. She thinks I'm a royal guard. That's how I want it to stay until after she makes it through the first round." I confess.

"Why did you hide your title? Now you bring shame to us. I always told you to be honest. It's the best way." He chastises me.

"I know, Father, but my crown shines brighter than the one wearing it. I wanted to see their true face, know how they really felt. People put aires around the royals, you know that.

I have agreed to move forward with the contest, but I still want love. And I still think their deaths is pitiful!" I'm angry and thunder rolls up ahead. Clouds slowly gather as lightning jumps between them.

"Enough!" He shouts.

"We'll have dinner at the guesthouse and you can eat in your room. It is too dangerous for you to be in the city now. More guards for you." He turned and left. I knew he was going to forbid me from the city. I cast my eyes over the city, calming the storm in me and the sky around me. I go to my quarters to think, I need to see her again. 


I collapse on my bed, exhausted from the intense training exercise Leo just put me through. My muscles are sore all over.

Leo managed to talk one of the top sponsors to sponsor me. I guess being an alpha's daughter pays off. I now have access to a private gym and kitchen.

I felt like there were eyes on me all day. There hasn't been any sign of the prince. So it wasn't him. I did get to have breakfast with Stacey and Joy. Some of the alpha chicks were in there too but they sit by themselves. There's something off about them. Their inhabitance in the same room gives me chills. My wolf growls only to me with agreement. 

A knock on my door sounds. I answer it, a messenger from the palace. He hands me a letter with the king's seal. I thank him and shut the door. I take out my butterfly knife, flicking my wrist to open it. I sit on my bed and use my knife to open the letter.

It's an invitation to dinner with the king and queen at the guesthouse tonight. I bet it's about last night. The letter gives instructions to dress formal and to be ready by five PM. A few guards will pick me up and bring me.

It doesn't give me much time. I run into the bathroom and take a shower. Leo has run out to buy me a dress and shoes. I don't do dresses, but my sponsor recommends it.

I'm ready for my ride with fifteen minutes to spare. I have my black python stealth angel sling backpack. Inside is a letter from my parents and money. I was told to give these to the King and Queen when I got a chance. I should be nervous but I'm not.

It's just three adults having a meal...discussing my pack more or less. I shake my head, so much for family secrets. I hope the letter will answer their questions.

Fifteen minutes later there's a knock on my door. Right on time. I open the door to find Sabastian. He's actually playing the part, dressed as a royal guard. Laying the facade on thick aren't you? Ok, not ready to confess, fine. 

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