Chapter 40

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~ Prince

I hated dancing with the other girls. I couldn't get away. They talked so much my head started to hurt. I saw Dominic take Violet out on the floor but then I lost them. What is he up to? I would normally not care, but Violet is mine.

I finally spot them by the food, they looked like they're having a good time. I need to get this over with.

Later I seen them talking to Beta Keith and Mary. It looks like whatever they're talking about is getting heated. The song ends and I make my way over to her. She has Mary's face in her hands.

Once I get Violet away I'm happy I have her all to myself. I'm not happy about the report she gave me about Dominic. I'll have to ask him about that later.

As we dance I notice how smooth she moves with me and how she is letting me lead. I pull her closer. This is what I like, I bend and put my face into the crook of her neck and take a deep breath.

"You look beautiful. You remind me of a boucette of flowers." I whisper and kiss behind her ear.

She giggles as her cheeks heat up. "Is that what I smell like?"

"You smell like cherry blossoms. My mother has some in her orchard. I'll have to take you sometime." I say as I twirl her.

"Oh that sounds fun, any excuse to climb a tree." Her face lights up. "With a picnic?"

"Sure, I can think of a game we can play." I say seductively.

"Hum, and what exactly will it involved?" She asks as she plays with the hair on the back of my neck.

"A game with food and a blind fold. What do you think? That's not too bad."

Her smile is stunning. I want to kiss her deeply but all eyes are on us. I'm already way too affectionate for our "first" date together.

We sit at a table in the corner to talk some more. After three glasses of champagne I learn some things she like to do at her pack. She like to hang glide, rock climb, and whittle.

She said she take me if I wanted, and show me her sculptures. It makes me even more excited to go back with them to their pack.

I told her I love to canoe, hike, and mountain bike. The great thing is she's physically fit and wants to try too. I can think of a few water ways I can take her with beautiful scenery. I'm thinking that will be a better date with a picnic.

It's getting late, so I see the other girls one last time to wish them good night. My parents leave and slowly the room empties. I leave with my parents.

"You seem to enjoy yourself tonight, son" my father says to me in russian. "You already seem quite fond of that Valentine girl. Your body language is different with her than when you dance with the others. You feel a special connection with her"

"Father, I do. I wish to focus this round on her. I feel as though she's my mate. I want to get to know her better. I feel nothing for these other girls." I respond back in russian.

"Oh Saba! I'm happy for you. I must say I was wondering when you were going to tell us. A mother knows her child. I notice you have been staying at your guesthouse and not in your quarters. And I know that is where you have housed Miss Valentine and her team. Your mother is no fool." She kisses my forehead.

"Although I'm disappointed you went to her behind my back, I had a feeling she was your mate from the day we had dinner with her. But appreciate you waiting til now. I will not get in your way of courting her. I do want to know, have you felt your wolf yet?" Father asks putting a large hand on my shoulder.

"Yes Father, it's been a slow process but he is waking. The time I have spent with her already and that song she played. I feel him. I want so much to complete this matebond and make her mine. I don't wish to drag this out any farther. I almost lost her three times and we are no closer to finding out who is behind this. I feel so strongly that it's an inside job." My voice getting angry. My fists clench.

"Son, let it happen naturally. You are now at that point where it can. When you complete the matebond you are free to go with her and Leo to her pack. When you have your wolf under control, come and take your place as king." He pats my back.

He puts his arm around mother and retired to their room. I have their blessing! I must tell Leo. I go quickly to my guesthouse and knock on Leo's door. He answers.

"Leo, I've got news from my father. May I come in?" My smile touches my eyes. He nods and let's me in.

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