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   There was a storm in Seattle today. Violent rain, roaring thunder, and fast lightning. Anastasia loved this weather. It reminded her of her father. But she was dreadful of this year's holidays.

All of her friends made plans over summer which she was not there to do. All the girls are in Oregon and the boys are doing good knows what. Zachary went to Arizona to see someone in his family, Eden and Mallory were spending their nights at Eden's place. They had offered but Anastasia declined the offer no wanting to disturb.

She was going to be alone this year. Her mom had a fever and Derek had to stay to take care of her in New York. She let her body collapse lazily on her couch.

Heaving a sigh, she turned to her side and started at the coffee table flowers. Alone? Again? Her mind fondled with her heart in vacant ways. The girl did not mind being alone but when it came to holidays, I don't think anybody would want to be alone.

Her eyes were slowly shutting in exhaustion with a pool of water forming in her eyes. "I don't want to be alone." she whispered as a tears hit the sofa.

As the time passed, she slept it off.

There was a knock on her door. Quickly, her eyes fluttered open as she gained her senses back. Her finger made her way up to her eyes and felt the tears almost dried on her face which caused her to run to the sink and splash cold water on her face.

   "Give me a minute!" She calls out and hears someone groan on the other side of the door.

   On the other side of the mirror, she saw someone who had mascara running down her face and her hair was nappy. Quickly Ana ran upstairs and removed the mascara while brushing her hair as she made her way to the door. The peep hole showed 3 boys.

and.. Asher?

   Why were they here? She opened the door and was greeted by two shaking boys and one who did not want to even be here. "Why are...Come in." Their every step had a slushy sound signaling there was definitely water in their shoes. "There is a shower in my room and down here, I will get towels and extra clothes for you guys. Hold on."

   She did what she said she would do and returned not long after with towels and extra clothes. They were a mix of Derek's clothes and Asher's. Asher perked his eyebrow up at the familiar sight of his old t-shirt. "I'll clean up the mess, go shower." She signals to all of them.

   Asher stayed behind leaning on the front door with his arms crossed. Purposefully, Anastasia grabbed yes another towel and started cleaning the floor they stepped on. It was muddy and dirty-filled.

   Not once did Asher say anything, he looked at her intently. Once Anastasia was done, she went to the kitchen and started warming up water for hot chocolate. The boys seemed to be freezing so this is the least she could do. She leaned on the island with her back towards the living room.

   Nate and Logan came rushing down to the familiar smell. "Hot chocolate!" They looked at each other then back at Ana. "You both still act like children." She let out a faint chuckle and handed them mugs.

   Sighing, she took the third mug and walked over to hand it to Asher. Hesitant, he takes it but never takes a sip. "What happened?" she asks.

   "Logan and I wanted to skate so we dragged him along with us because it's the holidays and he was alone. Out of nowhere, it started pouring painful rain and we got soaked. So we ran until I realized you lived down this road." Nate was stretching his words with many eye rolls and glares at Logan.

   "What on God's green earth did I do!? You were the one with the plan to go skate and I just agreed." Logan's hands were in the air showing himself surrendering.

   Anastasia let out a laugh for the first time in a couple of weeks. "You guys are so stupid." Her words came out breathy and light.

   "Speaking of alone though, why aren't you with anyone." Immediately, her smile disappeared and she shrugged turning back to the couch and resting her head in her hands and her elbow on her knees.

   Logan and Nate look at each other realizing she was alone this year. "Well, would you like to come to stay with us since you don't have-"

   She masked her hurt with a smile and dismissed their words with her hand. "Guys, I'm fine. Seriously." She chuckled, hiding her emotions.

   And she was doing a damn good job at doing it.

   "Are you sure? I mean-"

   "Guys let it go. It's just Christmas." her voice lowered as her sentence let on. With an eye roll, she once again flops lazily on the couch and flips through the channels.

   Nate seemed skeptical about leaving her alone but let it go when he saw she was 'fine'.

   Asher knew better than to give into her little facade. After all, she once was his.

   "How long are you guys staying? The rain is flooding the streets but if you guys want to go home I'd suggest you leave now since the water isn't very deep-"

   "Can we stay?" Logan asks and Nate's eyes gleam at the words. "Yeah! It's flooding and we have no transport. It says the rain the storm is going to go on for a couple of days so can we crash here until then?"

   Nate's eyes were glued to his phone reading the weather report.

   "No!... You guys need to go to your families." Practically panicking, she grabs their wet clothes and puts them in a bag she finds in her closet. "It's Christmas time. Your families are waiting for you. You can't stay. I'll even take you guys, okay? Just... Go home."

   A pool of water covered her eyes as she looks each of them in the eyes. Anastasia's mind was going blank. Nate's eyes were wide and in shock. Logan looked at her with a somber smile. Asher did not speak, not one emotion was on his face.

   "Ana... What about you? You can't be alone either. You were crying when we got here, it is not hard to piece it together. Look at you, you are lonely. And no one, not one person in the world wants to be alone. Especially during this time of year." Logan slowly stepped closer to Ana wrapping his arms around her.

   "I will stay."

   Everyone in the room went silent as Asher's words slipped off his tongue so easily. Her eyes met his.

   "Both Logan and Nate have families to go home to, I don't. I will stay."

   Anastasia looked at them, grateful she was. But she still refused to keep them here.

   "What about Abigail? I know she would not want you leaving her during Christmas." Nate brought up.

   Asher scoffs and grabs both guys. "We are taking your car. I'll be back."

   With that, they left.

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