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Anastasia Smith

   I hugged her back, she seemed shocked but I understand her. "It's going to be okay. She is going to be okay." I stroked my fingers through her hair as her tears fell on my shirt. "I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing." Giving her an apologetic smile, "No, you are okay. No worries."

   We both drove in my car to Nate's house after school. Even though we are good friends, I have never seen or been to his house. "We should be," Meredith looked around for the house. "Oh! Right there." Her finger pointed to the biggest house in the neighborhood. "Sheesh," I said causing Meredith to laugh. "I know right."

   "Mere! Hey Anatasia." Violet hugged both of us. "Thank god you came. We can't watch Disney princesses without the one who loves them most." Loren smirked and nudged my shoulder. "Hey," Asher said to Meredith while kissing her cheek. I did not expect him to be here.

   "Let's go inside shall we?" He said, but his eyes were on the ground. "Aw yeah, let's get this fantasy started!"

   The first movie was Mulan. My all-time favorite movie. Everyone was cuddling. Loren and Logan were on a side couch. Asher, Meredith, Violet, and Nate were on the big couch and I was just, well, here. It was greatly awkward. Not for them, but for me. God, I wanted to go home.

   ''Does anyone want pizza?" Meredith asked everyone. All of them said yes but, "I'm going to go. I have to meet Hope." A total lie. But, I don't think I can stand being the 7th wheel any longer.

   "See you tomorrow." Before stepping out Meredith grasped my arm and suggested,

   "Don't go! Come with me to get pizza?"


   We are back in my car going over to Pizza Pace. A new pizza place that opened just this summer. Their food was really good. "What did you do all summer?" Meredith asked me.

   Once I filled her in she revealed what happened to her mom, and what she did all summer. Taking care of your mom all summer must have been horrible. "Well, it's nice to see you smiling." The girl in the passenger seat got cheerful over what I said.

   "What about you? Why are you so...still." Asked Meredith. Instead of answering, I shrugged and kept driving until we got there.

   "You go in and order. I'll wait."

   Once Meredith left, I just settled there and thought about everything and entirely oblivion at the exact time. "Maybe I'm crazy."

   "I beg to differ," Meredith said as she entered the car. Giving a small chortle, we go back to see the others.

   "-It was so weird like-" Violet ceased what she said when we entered and beamed at us. "Hell yeah." Everyone had a slice. I didn't. My craving had evaporated.

   The remains of the day were filled with watching Disney movies and everyone making out. The amount of internal eye rolls my brain had loads of explanation.

   It was getting late and everyone was passed out on the couch. Everyone but Asher and I. His eyes were locked on his phone. While doing so, I tied my hair up and grabbed my bookbag.

   "Goodnight," I said blandly. Catching him, he mocked and wrapped his arm around Meredith. Chuckling, I made my way to my car.

   My windows were down and my music was turned up just enough to hear it. Going home was not an option so I went to my regular place. The river.

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