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Anastasia Smith

You know, I thought the first day would have been revolutionary but it was just as boring as every other year. I was with the rest of them eating lunch, school lunch. Rate sighting really, I hated school lunched.

"I can't believe feeding this to kids is even legal." Violet choked on her vegetables and drank her chocolate milk. I laughed and took a bite out of my pizza. "Ana, you are officially put on the weirdo list for eating pizza with ranch."

Loren looked disgusted, along with Violet, Nate, and Logan. "Oh, c'mon guys! Don't yuck other people's yums. How rude." I said playfully. They all laughed at what I had said.

"Yuck other people's yums? Anastasia was on Earth-"

"My 5th-grade teacher taught me that! Leave me, alone guys, let me eat in unity. Thank you so very much." Rolling my eyes, I eat my pizza and wait for lunch to be over.

My next class was art with Mr. Evergreen. I heard he was quite miserable but I would never give up art. "Anastasia! I have heard so much about you from your last year's art teacher. Very excellent work I have seen as well."

Well gosh, all of my bad thoughts about Mr. Evergreen shortly vanished into thin air when he said that. "Oh- Thank you!" He nods and sends me off to pick a seat in the classroom.

The room was full of plants and paintings I am guessing the past students did. On the board was a quote I swear I have seen before.

When it comes to art, it's important not to hide the madness.

Maybe I'm crazy. Once all of the students start piling in, there was a familiar face in this class.


I hadn't even uttered his name all summer. He is a dirtbag with a body count greater than the stars in the sky.

When he walked in, the first thing I noticed was his tattoos. He did not have those before, his hair was a bit longer and he walked in with a lot of completely hidden resentment. Of course, maybe he thinks he holds the place.

Following him was Meredith. Boy does she look even pathetic than ever. Once she saw me she waved and smiled which completely caught me off guard. Did she..change?

All I could think of the whole time we were in class was the fact that Meredith smiled at me. As in like, happily smiled. A warm, friendly smile. I don't know what's scarier, the wretched her or the charming her. Hard to decide.

My phone went off in class, of course, I forgot to turn the ringer off. Everything inside me flushed with embarrassment and I quickly said sorry to Mr. Evergreen. He gave me a pass since it was a mistake. I shut it off and look up.

Everyone was staring at me. Except, Asher was glaring at me. I snarl. Why is he looking at me as if I did something wrong? If I was not mistaken he-

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell signaling it was time to go to the next class. In the hallway, Asher and Meredith passed me, but Asher snickered while so so.

Believe me, it's not hurting my feelings but it's making my blood boil. "Hey guys," I say when I see the rest of the group. "Ana! What is your next class?" Asked Loren.

"Physical Educa- Oh no." My teacher was the volleyball trainer. There is no doubt in mind that she will assassinate me for not going to practice this summer. "Good luck, Smith. Also, it looks like we don't have many classes together." Logan said.

The rest of them noticed the same. I don't have any classes with any of them at all. Well, goodbye to that promising year.

"It's fine guys. I have to go, see you."

The gym was just around the corner so I scrambled and arrived. It was colder than it was outside resulting in me caressing myself.

"Anastasia!" Miss Randel called out my name in front of all the students that were there. Oh god, I am so, so very extremely dead. "Long time no see Miss Randel!" I think she could tell I already knew what was coming but she patted my back and let me go.

Asher and Meredith were in this class, well, that is awkward. Once again, he was staring me down almost as if he wanted to kill me. I don't mind, I would like to do the same.

The rest of the class just sat down on their phones. Since it was the first day, we did not have to do anything for class till next week.

It was actually the easiest class other than art. Miss Randel was cool, she let us roam free most of the time. "Anastasia, a word please." Miss Randel called for me so I got up and walked over to her office. "Care to explain why you didn't come to practice all summer?" She asked.

"Well, I got my own place and I had to help my mom and her new boyfriend in their new place. Also, I went to Oregon, I'm sorry." The last part isn't necessarily true but I added it anyway.

"Fine. Are you going to do volleyball this year?" Honestly, I don't want to do volleyball this year. but I also did not want to let Miss Randel down.

"Yeah, I'll do it."

The class was finally over and I had a free period. I know exactly where to go during my free period. Remember that tree I always sat at last year? The one where I would read and draw at, yeah that one. Forbidden words but, I miss that tree.

As I sat my book bag down, I saw Asher making his way to his car. He has changed, for the worse. Shrugging it off, I look down at my papers and finish the drawing I started around a week or so ago. My mom asked me to draw her so I did. It was actually one of the best drawings I had ever done.

"Anastasia!" Everything in me jolted when I heard the voice it belonged to.

"Meredith?" Turning around, there she was. In Asher's leather jacket. "Yeah! I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with Loren, Violet, and me after school today. We are going to go down to Nate's house." What the hell. They are friends with her? Why is she being so nice?

"No, thank you." Meredith pouted but let it go and left. As much as I wanted to go, there was absolutely no way she was being serious. Although, I feel bad for saying no. Meredith seemed genuine.

"Okay fine! I'll go." She smiled and came to sit next to me. "That's a pretty drawing." She said.

A small, small smile curled around my lips. "Thank you."

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry." My eyes went from my paper to her eyes, "I'm sorry for treating you so horribly wrong last year. Over summer, my mom. She got into a car accident. Asher told me everything that happened to you. And Anastasia," She scooted in front of me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so, so sorry."



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