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Anastasia Smith

It was two days till I left for Oregon. All my teachers gave me the homework I needed to get done while I was gone. Right now, it's my free period and I'm in the Art room since it's also Mr. Evergreen's break too.

He let me paint on the canvas that was sitting out. Painting wasn't my special suit, obviously. "I can't tell if it's a deformed horse or a cow with an oddly shaped head." Mr. Evergreen said and I laughed. I couldn't tell either.

"Please don't leave this out, your younger students are sure to make fun of me."

Laughing, even more, he took a sip of his coffee then went into one of the art closest. Mr. Evergreen pulled out a painting, it was what I think was a fantasy garden. It had fairies and glowing plants.

"That is the nicest chunk of art I have ever seen." I was basically drooling over it. "I had the same reaction when she gave this to be. Her name was Maria Hathen, a former student. Unfortunately, she passed on a little after she graduated. There was no talent like hers. Life is cruel Anastasia. But you, along with everyone else here, should know high school may seem like absolute bullshit, but you go a long way from here. And it is certainly important to go through here with stories and good memories."

I blankly looked at him. A teacher saying all of this is never expected. His words stuck inside my mind for the rest of the day.

Now at lunch, Zachery and I didn't sit with the others today, we got can you guess? Slushies and snacks for lunch.

"Wanna go somewhere? I found this hill when I first came here. Right before I met you." He showed me the directions.

When we got to the top, we saw the city. The whole city. It was magnificent; magical.

   "I know right? You should see it at nighttime." I can only imagine how the lights would look at night.

"How long are you leaving for?" It was such a random question out of nowhere. "Only 2 weeks."

Zach gazed at the city and we didn't exchange any words for the rest of the time we were there.

"Oh shit." I panicked as I was at the time. "We're late!" Zachary and I ran laughing as hard as we possibly could. My head hit the top of the car while I was getting inside which caused us to laugh even harder.

We were going at a rapid speed to get to school I am so surprised we didn't get pulled over. "We totally did that." Still laughing we said our goodbyes and ran to our classrooms.

"Care to explain why you were late Miss Smith?" This was a Science teacher. Mrs. Widow was a strange woman.

"Bathroom." That was all I said before sitting down. Mrs. Widow was not satisfied with my answer. "Doing?" She asked me.

"I was doing what people do when they go to use the restroom Mrs. Widow." Fed up, she walked to my desk and gave me a detention slip. I was fine with it, detention wasn't that bad.

"You will not use such a sarcastic tone in my classroom." There was no further word exchanged but one thing was for certain. She probably put me on her 'students I hate' list because for the rest of the class period she gave me the most wicked stares.

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