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Anastasia Smith

   The boys spoke to my mom like they never stopped talking. It was a good feeling seeing them together again, but I did not like it because I felt awkward.

   "Look at you boys. Almost grown-up." Her eyes started to glisten as pools of water began to grow. "Mom.." I said with a hint of worry lazed around the words.

   "I'm okay-" She was interrupted by Derek walking in with a suit on and his hair fixed. "Oh? Hello there kids."

   "This is Nate, Logan, and Asher. Guys, this is my boyfriend, Derek." Introducing them, they shook hands and talked a bit more with my mom after Derek left for work.

   There was a honk outside which meant the girls were here. "We have to go. See you mom." After a hug and a kiss on the cheek, we left.

   "I'm excited! Aren't you guys?" Meredith was literally on the edge of her seat. Too excited for the dance.

   I sat slouched with my elbow resting on the window. "You don't look very delighted Anastasia," Violet questioned with curiosity. Letting out a deep sigh, I put on a front.

   Big smile, "I am excited."

   "That's the spirit!" Violet said while turning on the radio. The ride was full of them talking and my eyes glued to the outside.

   The mall was crowded more than often. "How are we supposed to find anything will all of these people here doing the same thing we are." Meredith pouted.

   Violet rolled her eyes and dragged everyone to the booths. Immediately a dress caught my eye.

   Apparently, everyone else wanted it too. It was a purple dress with glitter and a fluffed bottom. A girl in the corner of the store caught onto it.

   Quickly, I grabbed the dress and anger swelled inside her

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Quickly, I grabbed the dress and anger swelled inside her. "Hey! I saw it first." She said, which was an obvious lie. "Too bad." Smirking, she huffs and flips me off.

"Gosh Anastasia," Violet said. We head to the cashier so I can buy my dress.

   "That will be 855$" My heart nearly dropped at the fact that I did not bring my wallet. "Ana.."

   I looked around and saw the girl smirking at the chance she had to get the dress. With a sigh, of absolute defeat, I give it up.

   "Go to your house and get your wallet, we will wait for you okay?" Nodding, I drag myself to my car. When I got there I saw my mom was still there.

"Hey, mom." You could sense the disappointment in my voice. "No luck? It has only been like 30 minutes."

"I know. There was a dress but I forgot my wallet and another girl got it." Chuckling, she nodded with a smile. "Good."

Taken back by her comment, I was confused as to why she was acting like she was hiding something. She caught me questioning and rolled her eyes, follow me to your room.

   I did what I was told and was introduced to the prettiest dress I have ever seen. Silk, white, with gloves.

   My mom trailed behind me with a smile on her face as she leaned against my door. Arms crossed, "It was mine. The dress of my first Winter Ball."

Everything in me was so drawn to the dress. "Thank you, mom." Derek showed a little whole after.

"One hell of a dress." My eyebrows raised as a response of agreeing, now I can't wait for the winter ball. "We will leave you to it. Make sure to tell the girls you have a dress already."

   Oh shit. They are probably wondering where I am. Immediately I phone Violet and tell her I was in no need of a dress. Still, I went back because food was my biggest want right now.

   When I got there I didn't go see the others, I went straight to the boba cafe in the far backside of the mall. Just as expected, there weren't many people.

   Walking in, I see Asher in the book store right across the glass windows. He was alone? In the library. Isn't he supposed to be shopping or something-.

   My mind brushed the thought away as soon as I put my order down and found a seat. Right in front of the cafe where I sat. There were only 2 people besides me.

   Pulling out the book was reading, I waited.

   I don't think reading Fifty Shades Free is appropriate reading for the public eye but it's not like anyone was here. "What the hell does promiscuous mean?" I asked myself.

   "Having casual sexual relations often with various partners." I know that voice. It caused me to jump.

   "What do you want." I was sitting and he was standing so I had to look up. "I answered your question."

   Paying no mind to him, I take my mind back into the book. "Pretty bold reading the Fifty Shade's series in public. How do you feel right now?"

   "How do I feel? What are you talking about." There was a cruel grin on his face.

   "Reading the constant of when he fucks her, how does it make you feel?" My posture turned upright and I sat there and looked at him.

   "They make me feel normal?" I said in a questioned tone.

   "What about..." he stopped for a second and raised a brow as if he found just the perfect idea.

   "What about what I was doing to you in the shower."

   My heart sank in embarrassment. I can't hide the fact that his words affected me. "Worst day of my life that's for sure." Covering my embarrassment in sarcasm, he laughed. I know he didn't believe me.

   His face inched near my face. So close.

   His lips touched my cheek, deja vu.

   "The sounds you made tell me otherwise."

   Legs crossed, he let out a chuckle and disappeared.

What. The. Hell. Just. Happened.


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