CHAPTER 17 - Sadness and Sorrow

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Lana POV

       The second shift was finally over and I felt like dying. The drinking night mixed with the lack of sleep, training and two shifts was really taking a toll on me. I just went inside the locker rooms to get my stuff and headed home, I'd shower there...I just wanted to get home.

       Since my drivers license is not valid here in Korea I have to take the sub and then the bus to get home since I'm still living in the shady outskirts of town. I should really move out to a better place when I get enough money to do so, I'd have better conditions, safer neighborhood and I'd be closer to work so it's a win win situation really....just need to keep saving up. While I was sitting on the bus I took my phone out and saw Ki-Moon's texts saying how much sorry he was and how he would pay it back to me big time, he also said he ended up spending the day with the boys and was still there since he had nothing better to do at home. I quickly answered him saying I was heading home and that he did indeed owe me a big one. I also had a couple of missed calls from my landlord which was weird, but since it was already late I decided to wait for tomorrow to call back. 

       I got out at my usual bus stop and started my 5 minute walk home. Since that place is a little shady and dark I'd normally see lots of people outside at night, mostly drinking, smoking, some fighting for no reason, you could also see people doing some shady businesses in the darker alleys and it wasn't rare to hear about someone getting mugged in here. But today was different, today it was.....calm, too calm...the streets were completely desert and silent.

       There was this weird feeling inside my chest that just made me super alert to everything surrounding me, I didn't like this, I didn't like this one bit! As soon as I rounded the corner to my building I understood why it was so quiet...the police was here. That should have made me feel better and more at ease, but it didn't. It was like something inside me knew something was wrong even before I knew it was or what was it, but I soon did. I entered the building and made my way to my floor, only to find my door open with those yellow police stripes saying "KEEP OUT" all over it. I completely ignored them and rushed inside finding two police officers talking with the landlord, that gave me a completely furious look when he saw me.

       "What the hell happened here?" I asked confused and nervous, I mean, who wouldn't be right? You just get home after months away and find the police inside your house? I quickly glanced around and notice how wet the floor and walls were until my knee hight. I didn't have much furniture but I could see the one I had was wet as well...maybe some pipe broke? I glanced back at the three men in front of me and that's when all hell broke loose....

       My landlord was completely furious with me, he kept yelling how big of an irresponsible and dumb girl I was. Apparently some "friendly person" noticed I was absent and decided to get inside to rob me, tho to his surprise I didn't really had much to rob right? So they decided to trash the place down. They punched some holes in the walls, destroyed my bed and desk, trashed the kitchen and since that wasn't enough they burst my pipes. Since I wasn't home for more than a month with the TXT tour they don't know for how long the water has been running, they only called the police today because the floor soaked so much water that it started dripping to my downstairs neighbor.

       I tried to apologize to the landlord, even tho it wasn't really my fault right? But he was not having it. He said this was the reason he rent the house to me, so that someone would live here and keep the burglars away from it. He yelled about how I would have to pay for all the damage and that I should check what they took so the police could file it, pack the stuff I had left and then leave. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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