CHAPTER 5 - It's for the best....right?

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        I was standing outside in the dark cold winter night, the big glass door to Big Hit behind me while I was standing guard alone, since Moon was on his little break to drink a hot coffee. The night was very calm, both BTS and TXT were home already so there were no fans there. I feel the breeze ruffle in my hair and quickly tuck my uniform jacket around my slim frame while a deep long sigh leaves my lips turning into a soft puff of smoke in the cold air.

       "I swear to god Lana, if I hear you sigh one more time today I am beating your ass so badly that whatever is troubling you and keeping you up at night won't even cross your mind for days!" An annoyed Moon sounds behind me and I notice how I missed the sound of the glass doors open, or the hot mug he was stretching over to me. Guess I need to shove my worries aside for a bit and focus on my job, I'm doing a very lousy one right now since I did not notice someone approach me.

       "I'm sorry...but don't call me by that name in here" I grumbled lowly and took hold of the hot papper mug pressing it firmly in both my hands to try and absorb the heat it radiated to my cold pale skin "I shouldn't drink coffee tho....but thanks"

       "Idiot" He said while hitting the back of my head making me look at him confused "I know you shouldn't drink coffee, it's hot chocolate you dummy" He sigh and went back to his place on the other side of the door, leaning slightly against the wall while still looking at me "I thought you would need something warm to help you through the night...but I guess your problem is not the cold, is it?" He asked while keeping his eyes glued to my every movement, so I just nodded my head with another sigh while bringing the hot chocolate closer to my face and took a deep breath inhaling that sweet lovely scent.

       "YAH!!" I yelled out when a feet kicked me right in the butt making me move forward a couple of steps in order not to lose my balance and spill the chocolate. "What was that for?!" I said turning around to glare at a not amused Moon that just shrug his shoulders.

       "I warned you, I literally said I'd kick your ass if you sighed again" He open an amused smirk making me roll my eyes at him.

       "Idiot" I grumbled while passing one of my hands on my frozen behind that he had just kicked and went back to my place taking a sip of the hot chocolate for the first time. I'm not sure where he got it since I haven't seen it in any of the drink machines we have inside, but I was glad he did, it was really good! You could tell by the rich flavor that the chocolate was from high quality, it was so smooth...almost velvety on your tongue, and the consistency was so thick that you could almost eat it with a spoon, just perfect!

       I took another sip from the hot beverage feeling it go down my throat and slowly spread its heat across my body, which made me give a faint pleased smile, only to disappear short seconds after when my mind went back to the eminent disaster just waiting to happen.

       "If you're going to kick my ass at least do it properly, that way I'll have an excuse not to leave the house to that stupid party" I mumbled back to my grumpy worried mood leaving another sigh escape my lips.

       "Really?" Moon asks with an eyebrow raised in disbelief "Is that what this is all about? Jin's birthday party?" He says almost laughing and I just nod my head without lifting my eyes from the hot chocolate and he just laughed out loud now.

       "I know it might look stupid for you wouldn't understand" My voice was just slightly above a whisper, and the seriousness and sad tone in my voice must have gotten to him cause he stopped laughing almost right away, and in 2 seconds his big warm hand was on my shoulder squeezing it lightly, but I still didn't look at him, instead my gaze was on the almost full papper cup in my hand that was now slightly bent due to my firmer grip.

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