CHAPTER 10 - Daddy in the shadows (Part II)

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Yoongi POV

       "For Yoongi hyung to be asking for help is because something serious is going it a girl problem?" Jungkook asked still shocked and trying to keep his tone serious even tho I could see he wanted to make some kind of joke at the mention of girl problems.

       "Do I look like the kind of guy that would need help with girls?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow and scoffed at his question. "I am the girls problem, not the other way around" I said with a confident smug and all the boys laughed with some "true" being said here and there across the room. "I'm good don't worry, I just have a friend going through some problems and I need to help him out, but you guys know I'm not the best doing that so...I was hopping Jin could help me out " I half lied looking at Jin and I could feel them all relax at my words.

       "If it is that important go, but try to be quick, we're going back to practice in 5 minutes" Hoseok said with a smile and a light squeeze on my shoulder, telling me he would be there for me if I wanted his help as well, which I thanked him with a smile and a nod.

       "5 minutes, no more no less, we will start even if you are not here and if you miss any of the songs you two will have to do them alone at the end of the practice, twice" Namjoon warned us and both me and Jin left the room.

       We walked to the cafeteria to get some water and sit at the empty tables, since there was no one around there at this time, so it was a good place for us to talk.

       "So..." Jin started while looking at me, I could see he was a bit nervous since I didn't normally ask him, or any of them, for help in this kind of stuff. "What is going on and how can I help you?"

       "That is what I would like to know" the look of his face changed to one of complete confusion which made me sigh deeply. "When I said I had a friend with some problems I was talking about you. I know there is something going on with you, I know it involves Ki-Moon, I know Jimin realized it too and confronted you but you said nothing. Everyone else seems to be oblivious to it and I think the younger ones are so used to you looking out for them that they forget that you too are human and have problems, you too need someone to look out for you the second oldest member and your friend I'm asking you what is going on, and unlike Jimin I will not accept anything else than the absolute truth"

       I crossed my arms over my chest while staring at Jin right in the eyes so he knew I was serious. I noticed the way his eyes got wide when I told him he was the friend in trouble and that I was here to hear him out. I know I'm not normally the first go to, but is it really that weird for me to actually ask them what's going on? Should I worry about what they actually think of me?

       My train of thought was pulled back on track by Jin's gentle and warm smile making me focus back on him.

       "We can't really get anything past you can we?" He asked in a low voice with a small laugh. "I know everyone calls me the mom of the group and I'm always on top of everyone, but I think you're as bad or even worse than me, you just do it in the shadows and most of the time they don't even notice it, but I do" his words caught me out of guard, and so did the warm tone in his voice full of admiration and affection, that was not what I was expecting.

       "Yaaaaah don't get all mushy on me and just answer my god damn question" I grumbled uncomfortably while scratching the back of my neck with my hand. I was not one to show affection so openly to others, neither was I good at receiving it, I never knew how to react. So I could feel my cheeks getting warm and felt embarrassed, and even tho it was Jin I didn't want him to see me like was really embarrassing for me, but he just laughed it off with that windshield wiper laugh.

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