CHAPTER 6 - The gift

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       The previous day was what I would like to call as a complete hell

       Ki-Moon hyung had the time of his life torturing me. We went into every single clothe store in search of something pink Jin might like, but no matter what I showed him he would always say

       "That's not his style"

       "He already has that"

       "Do you live under a rock? That's from last season!"

       "That's not Jin's kind of pink, that's too pink even for him"

       What the hell did that even mean?! What is something pink that is too pink or not pink enough?! He was driving me insane!

       After deciding no clothing was the right one for him, he forced me to go through every home decoration stores. I have to admit that I saw some interesting stuff in there for my still kinda empty house and I made some mental notes to go back there another time.

       But the things he was making me see....I was honestly starting to question myself if Jin really had a....peculiar taste, lets call it that, or if Ki-Moon was just making fun of me and my misery. Once again, nothing we saw seemed to be the right thing for Jin.

       I got a bit excited while we made our way to the game store, after all I also love to play games, tho I mostly do it on my laptop since I don't own a television let alone a playstation or xbox. But that little light at the end of the tunnel was quickly and cruelly ripped from me.

        "We should go back to the clothing store, I'm sure at least one of the other boys is going to gift him a game and he has too many for me to choose a safe one, lets go" He said taking a hold of my wrist and yanking me away back to the clothe section while my eyes stood glued to the gamming shop and I felt my heart drop to my feet. I felt like a toddler that just got denied of their toy, and I guess I must have looked like one, cause Moon couldn't hold his laugh while looking at me.

       After hours and hours going through the same stores over and over again, we finally managed to buy Jin's gift. Like promised hyung took me to lunch and even paid for it. I don't like people paying my stuff, but since he was being an asshole for me on purpose, I didn't complain when he did.

       On the way home we agreed on what time he would pick me up for the party the next day. Since we had both done the night shift we would have the day off tomorrow, and the party was around 6pm so he would get me at around 5:30pm since he said we would take around 25mins to get there depending on the traffic. I didn't like the idea of spending my day off at a party, but at least I could still sleep in the morning.

       After saying goodbye I went upstairs to my apartment with the gift bag on my hand and the gym bag over my shoulder, that I immediately left on top of my 'bed', making my way to the bathroom.

       Took my shower with no worries at all, just enjoying the warmness of it on my sore muscles and taking my sweet time letting the streams of hot water do their magic. I rolled one towel on my body and made way to my room, dressing my pj and letting my body plop on the mattress next to the bag with the gift.

       My eyes kept staring at it for a while, my mind thinking if he would like it, since I didn't know him well I had to thrust on Moon, and I hope he wasn't trying to pull a prank on me. I left my body fall backwards into the mattress and pulled the blankets up snuggling against them. It took a couple of minutes to warm up, but as soon as it did my eyes closed down and my consciousness  drifted off to dreamland.

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