CHAPTER 10 - Daddy in the shadows (Part I)

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Yoongi POV

       After we rehearsed the lineup for the following weeks 2 times without mistakes we finally had our break. As usual I let myself fall on the floor pretending to be dead, which I kinda was, I really wasn't the most active person in the world and even tho I did more exercise and cardio than a regular person does I still felt dead every single time. Unlike our maknae line, those 3 still managed to have energy to spare since they kept joking around with each other and teasing us sometimes, which normally ended with someone running for dear life.

       My chest was still rising up and down quickly while I tried to catch my breath to slow down back to normal, my eyes where almost fully closed but I kept them a tiny bit open, just enough for me to look around without being notice, like I always do. I don't want them to see me looking so I pretend to be resting, but if I don't take care of these idiots....who will?

       As usual Jungkook was teasing Jimin about some step he had missed somewhere or that he thought he knew how to do better, starting a little dance fight between the two of them. And of course, Tae had to join in with dumb and dumber to complete the idiot trio wasting precious energy...I will never understand the young ones.

       Namjoon was sitting against the wall with his towel around his neck, having one of the ends over his face to damp the sweat off of his face while he too struggled to get his breath back to normal. Beside him Hoseok watched his phone with full attention seeing the recording he just made of our practice to be sure we did good, and in case someone slipped up somewhere he would always show the person and help them correct the mistake, he really was the best when it came to this.

       On the other corner of the room all alone was Jin. He too looked tired, but more than that, he looked out of place. He was here in the same room as us but he hadn't talk to anyone since we started rehearsing, and that's not normal in him. He did give his all during practice but now he was just there, sitting alone in one side of the practice room looking ahead into the nothing in silence. Something was definitely up, and I knew it had something to do with Moon, that was one of his best friends and one of our closest friends as well, and that new security, Mun.

       I may not be good with my feeling and comforting people, I never know how to say things or what to do, but I do care, and I do pay close attention to those I care about, even if they aren't aware of it. They may think I don't care or that I'm clueless about what is going on with them and their lifes because I don't talk to them about it, but I always know, and I always try my best to help from the shadows without no one knowing.

       To be honest our group works pretty well just like this, I stay in my corner and protect and help them in my own way and they know that, or at least I hope they do. Jin is like the group mom we can always count on him to take care of us.

       Namjoon is the best in guiding us, that is why he is the leader, he is smart and always thinks things trough before doing anything so he is everyone go too when we need advice.

       Hoseok is the usual ball of join and warmth, so whenever anyone has a problem that needs more delicacy the boys go to him, or when someone is just feeling more down JHope is the best at turning that frown around.

       Jimin is normaly the one making problems for the rest of us, but if we do need help with anything we know he will be there for us, in fact like army say, he has one of the sweetest hearts I've met in this world. It's not a surprise to anyone that he loves skinship, he's a very touchy person and is not afraid to show his love to those he care about. He is also very clever and he notices better than most people when something is up, and he is not afraid to face us when we're completely mad about something and give us a hug or whisper sweet things to us until we feel ok. I can 100% say that all of us have had our break down moments during these difficult years since debut and if it wasn't for Jimin and his love for us we would have done something crazy.

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