CHAPTER 14 - Fireplace

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Lana POV

       As the night went on and our bellies got way too full, both in sweets and some wine, we made our way to the living room. The boys immediately made themselves comfortable on the couches, the maknae line took over the bigger one where Taehyung was sitting in the middle with both Jimin and Jungkook laying on each side of him with their heads on the boy's lap but each keeping their own wine glass in hand.

       Jin and Ki-Moon, being the oldest and supposedly the more responsible ones were both passed out on the other couch, cuddling in a very weird way while sleeping soundly. And by soundly I mean noisy. Jin had his head falling backwards on the couch arm while hugging one of Ki's legs having his foot against his chin. While Moon was using Jin's legs as a cuddle pillow, having one leg under them and the one Jin was holding over, his knees were bent so he could fit the couch and rest his head on Jin's ankles....both snoring loudly from their drunk state with their mouths hanging agape.

       Namjoon was sitting normaly on the remaining couch holding his wine glass while laughing at the sleeping drunk boys, Hoseok was laughing his ass off while snapping some pictures and quick videos of them to make their lives hell when they woke up the next morning.

       "Oh no way in hell I am letting this go by and let them forget this night!" He was saying between laughs, not even trying to keep his voice down since they were beyond the waking point.

       "Honestly, our hyungs don't know how to drink" Jungkook snorted in amusement and some kind of pride for holding his liquor better than them, while happily clinging his glass against his other maknae line brothers each taking a small sip after.

      "Don't put me in the same bag as those two idiots" Yoongi grumbled from the big beanbag they had between the left couch where RM was and the fireplace wall, where I was standing to try and warm my body. Not that the house was cold, because it wasn't, but I just loved the warm feeling of the flames and all the colors and swirls they did, it was mesmerizing, I could stand there watching for hours.

       I dropped in a low squat touching my heels with my ass while keeping my hands on my knees for balance, just losing myself deep in a void of thoughts due to the dancing red and orange flames consuming the pieces of wood in front of me, the warm feeling reaching my soft fair skin marking it in a slightly rosy tint.

       "Mun-ah" Yoongi called but I was so deep in my trance that his voice was pushed back in my mind and I didn't even take notice of him, until his foot not so graciously made contact with my ass since I was squatting in front of him.

       The loss of balance made me go forward and my eyes went wildly big as the once inviting warm from the flames was getting dangerously close to my skin. My hands were almost touching the burning hot window of the fireplace when I felt a sudden force pull the back of my hoodie making me bounce back at the last moment and land on a warm and soft place with a grunt.

       "Were you sleeping or something?!" He snaps from under me making me realize he was the warm soft surface I landed on, and that I should get up, but my slightly drunk and scared mind thought otherwise leaving me there with no reaction.

       I could still feel the warmth of the flames burn the skin in my hands and face even tho I haven't touched the glass. My still wide eyes stare at both my open hands in front of me, they were slightly red from the warmth but not burnt.

       "Are you ok Mun-hyung?" A concerned Jimin popped out of nowhere kneeling down beside me and taking my hands in his to check them. "You're not burnt thank god" he said with a sigh of relief and I could hear Yoongi grumble under is breath "Didn't know I was god now" which made me giggle on my own.

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