He smirks at my reply "Well, go find your prince charming in disguise" he jokes around. I roll my eyes at him and walk away to find the idiot.

I suddenly spotted the birthday boy seated peacefully on the balcony with his cake on his hand. Why is the birthday boy suddenly lonely? I wander off to him, i went to stand next to him, who's just wandering around the lights of New York City.

The buildings were covered with tiny pieces of snow and the whole land was covered in a big pile of white snow. I shivered as the cold kisses through my pale skin. I was wearing a strapless light red dress that hung beneath my knee. I should've brought my jacket with me

Charles nudge me by the shoulder and offered his jacket without facing me. I guess he noticed that i was getting cold. "Why are you suddenly out here Charles?" i ask as i slip on the jacket that he gave me "The birthday boy shouldn't be around here" Charles didn't face me "Charles?"

I get no answer.

Something's wrong. I turn Charles shoulder and gasped. He's got a big black eye on his face. Charles the cold hearted, smartass, horseface jerk got a big black eye on his face and he was crying with a bottle of beer in his right hand "What happened?" i question the boy who was silently crying.

"C'mon tell me what happened?" i question the boy again. He doesn't reply. I shake him lightly "Horseface" i tease him his name so that he could laugh a little bit. He didn't laugh instead he just grabs me and holds me close. His arms are wrapped tightly around me like it's the only one thing that keeps him alive. I didn't complain though i love it, i just wrap my arms around him too.

"Just P-please" he stutters. A rare thing that he does. He speaks perfectly, he never stutters or never says the word please, well only once "Please just don't leave me heartbroken like what she did to me"

I nod into his shoulder. I didn't get what he said but i know one thing that's going on. Under his cold hearted and horseface presence, he's human. He has feelings. Feelings for Kendall. He built up this high walls, walls that would never surpass him unless someone can unleash it from him. I didn't know why on Earth that he got a black eye but i know this. He wants her back. It breaks me to see that the boy i like is crying over a girl that would never get him back. It hurts to say that i'm just this fake girlfriend of his who would soon fade away from his life.

I rub my hands in circles at his back, i kept repeating "You'll get her back Charles, you will"

Charles pulls back of the hug and holds my face in his hands "Your such a great friend Venice" he slurs. Friend? Ugh. Don't get a hold of yourself Venice, he has been drinking a lot. But something beneath me breaks into a million pieces. He sees me as a friend. But doesn't that count? Drunk people says the truth rather than normal people. He rubs his hand over my cheek. He stares helplessly at my eyes while i stare at his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. We just stared deeply at each other until he leans in, i lean in too.

Our noses brush swiftly, i close my eyes on what was about to come. Is this finally it? Will he kiss me? Suddenly, i felt someone threw up on my dress, i widen my eyes open and see Charles puking all over my strapless light red dress. I gasp in shock as he suddenly passes out on the floor "Charles!" I nearly half shouted as i look at my dress disgustedly.

Thankfully, Cole went inside "What happened?" He questions as he looks both at me and Charles. He lets out a little laugh as he looks at my condition. And there i thought that Charles was about to kiss me.

"He passed out and puke at my dress"

He nodded his head vaguely "Yeah, i could see that" he says as he help his bestfriend up on the floor.

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