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Junipers pov

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Junipers pov

I picked up Cora and told her why I'm not going to school anymore, I lied somewhat. She's sad but understood, she was also sad because she was hungry. I swear this girl a new type of crack head. So now we're at McDonald's.

"In not joking, I really got my hand stuck in a cage trying to pet the dog"she says as she pops a fry in her mouth.

"Why would you even put your hand in a hold that you know is to small"I chuckled.

"Because the doggy looked sad"she pouted, she's cute.

"You're something else Cora"I bite into my burger.

"In a good way"she shyly asks, I've noticed she does that a lot, she's so insecure.

"Alright talk to me, why do you ask that your fucking awesome, not many people I know would run into the street to help a old man in a wheelchair from getting run over"I asked, in a serious tone.

"Promise you won't judge"she stares down at her food.

"On my guy friend Alex I won't"Alex has to be the person in this damn world I care for, like genuinely care for.

"Most people would say mom"she gives me a confused look.

"Me and her don't have a good relationship"it's as simple at that, well I wish it was.

"Oh"she only says.

"Well continúe"i say and eat my fries.

"I'm adopted"I laugh, I genuinely laugh, something I have not done since I was fifteen.

"Your joking, you thought I wouldn't like you because your adopted"I throw a fry at her.

"Wait you don't care, the people at school at call me orphan"she frowns.

"Do they treat you right, your adoptive parents"she nods "do y'all get along"she once again nods.

"That's more than a lot of kids at school have with there biological parents, you should consider yourself lucky babe. And plus we all go through shit, we all have something from our past haunting up."she looks like she's about to tear up.

"Thank you"she gets up and hugs me, I don't know how to really respond. I just hug her back.

"You really suck as hugs"she lets out a chuckle.

"Yeah well I don't do affection babe"I continue eating.

"So what is something from your past that haunts"she asks me, as she eats.

"That's a story for another time"I say not really wanting to talk about myself.

"Okay so then tell me a bit about you"she respects my decision to not talk about it.

"Well I'm what I guess you call reckless, stubborn, and a little bit of a crackhead. I really like guns and cars, I own a few actually. I sometimes help my dad with his work, I don't get along with any of my siblings nor my mother, me and my father are working on it. Also my sister is marring Joesph Birlem"she gasps.

"Is he as hot as they say, I've never seen him but so many people say he's like sex on legs"her pupils dilate.

"You've met him before, he's the guy I bumped into when we went to Buffalo Wild Wings"she giggles.

"You called me pink that day, also shit he is as hot as they say, he seemed to have big dick energy as well, your sister is gonna get her guts rearranged"I just stare at her in amusement, this female is really something else.

"What I mean the dominance that was practically drowning everyone was like a whole ass tsunami"she lets out a quiet burp.

"He's not so hot, plus they did fuck in her room already, and she was walking just fine the next day, so either he got a small dick or my sister is just that wide"she laughs so hard, her pale complexion was turning purple from the lack of air.

"Okay Cora breath"I let out a chuckle.

"Fuck your sister a whore"she ask.

"More like a damn prostitute"her mouth opens wide.

"She gets paid"I nod.

"We have so much cash that we don't even know what to do with it, yet she feels the need to get it from men with power"I roll my eyes.

"So she's like an escort"

"No, escorts have some respect for themselves, Cassidy on the other hand has less than actual prostitutes"I speak nothing but pure facts.

"What was her lowest stoop"

"Probably this seventy year old man, at his wife's funeral"she starts another laughing fit.

"I don't appreciate you talking about our sister like that juniper"I recognize that stupid voice.

"Well Justin I don't appreciate when you talk about me like that, so maybe you stop it before telling me you don't like it"I stare at him dead in the eyes.

"You're a little bitch you know that"he grits.

"No, daddy didn't raise no bitch, a cold hearted psychopath maybe, but never a bitch"I give him a little smirk.

"We'll see what mom has to say about this"what a little fucking pussy.

"So I guess you're more of a cold hearted psychopath"she copies my tone.

"Theres a lot about me and my family you don't know about"I give her a little smile.

"I want to know everything about you, you show this face to everyone, but babe I can see right through it, your face might stay emotionless but your eyes give you away love"she tells me in such a serious and loving tone.

"Yeah hiding is everything, especially in my life, you show a bit of emotion and you're done for"I sip on my sweet tea.

"I feel you, emotions are draining"she says, making me chuckle.

"Yes they are"i simply say.

Short I know, but bare with me, I have ideas.

Bye babies, 15 comments next chapter.💛💛

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