And Why is she walking with Kimi and talking to the CPK(Cool and Popular Kids)?

Don’t look at me. Stephanie made it up.
She had better ‘see me later’ to clear all this confusion.


“The 3rd world countries are...” I zone out of Mr. Robinson’s class thinking about what happened this morning.

Why would Stephanie hang out with Kimi? had she forgotten what Kimi did to her in 8th grade?

She put itching cream in her gym clothes when she wanted to try out for cheerleading. She has always hated us, and suddenly they are now best friends?

“Miss Colton?” Mr. Robinson jerks me back to class.

“Yes, Sir?” I answer, shifting uncomfortably in my chair.

“What topic am I teaching?” He wants to know.

“Um...” My eyes flicker to the board. “3rd world countries?”

“What about the 3rd world countries?”

“Uh...I wasn’t listening.” I say shyly. I hear laughter at the back, which I ignore.

Mr. Robinson sighs and says, “I know you had a splendid summer and you wish it didn’t end, but please can you pay attention in class?”

Me? Had a great summer?

This man does not know what is he talking about. My summer was boring.

I did nothing fun. My summer routine was to sleep, eat, watch TV, do homework, read and sleep again. And it went like that throughout the summer.

“Yes sir,” I reply taking out my pencil from my bag glancing at the back to see who laughed at me, and shocking enough it was Stephanie. I end up breaking my pencil because of the anger boiling in me.

I turn to the girl next to me and ask her if she has a spare pencil, but she scowls at me.

Well, this is going to be a long day.


At lunch, I am currently spying on Stephanie waiting for her to go to the ladies’ room like she always does every time she finishes her lunch.

I am sitting at our normal table, which is near the trash can. When she came to throw her dirt away, I followed her out of the cafeteria into the ladies’ room.

Stalker much?

Well yes, anything to get my best friend back.

I see her reapplying make-up as I walk in. Since when did she use make-up? Her mum always had this no make-up policy. She thinks a woman’s natural beauty is enough.

“Open doors much?” She asks as the door slams behind me.

“Hi Steph,” I say, ignoring her sass. “What is going on? You haven’t talked to me all day, and you said you’ll see me later.” I explain.

She lets out an enormous sigh, and I get scared; I think she is going to tell me that she is an alien, so I reach into my bag and secure my pepper spray in my hand before she abducts me too.

“Look when people say ‘see you later’ they mean ‘see you never.” She says closing the cap of her lip gloss.

“What happened to you? When did you become...this?” I ask, eyeing her from head to toe.

“Since when Kimi showed me the way to popularity!” She spits. “Look, I know we had our moments, but if hanging out with you means that I have to be at the bottom of the popular chain, then I’m sorry we can’t hang out anymore.”

Okay, this is so wrong. This is not the Stephanie I have been friends with all these years, Stephanie never cared about popularity she has always been kind and selfless except if...

“Are they blackmailing you?”

“What?.” She looks at me like I am crazy.

“Are they threatening you? Cause if they are I can stop them, you don’t have to do what they say.”

“Ugh!” She lets out a frustrated groan. “Don’t you get it, you and I can’t be friends anymore. Kimi has opened my eyes to the world, something you never did. Look, I promise to Cherish all those times spent together, but you gotta let go.”

You know all those cheesy teen fiction movies and books, where two best friends part ways because one decides she wants to be popular and the other one stays a nerdy nobody?. Then the nerdy nobody cries about how she doesn’t want to lose her best friend and you wish you could throw your shoes at her face.

Well, I’ll stop throwing my shoes at the nerdy nobody from now on, because I now know how it feels and I am telling you this first hand it hurts. It hurts real bad.

How can she say that?

After all those years, we’ve been through difficulties. I was there with her when her parents separated, Kimi was just laughing in her face and now she’s thrown all that away because Kimi has now ‘opened her eyes to the world’.

I blink back the tears that are threatening to fall out. I’ll never cry in front of her. I can do that later when I get home, but not here.

“Anyway...” She breathes out as she packs up her make-up kit just as the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. “I’ll see you around.” She says brushing past me.

“And oh!” She stops at the door and I turn to face her. She brings out a book from her bag. My lyrics book. I told her to take it along with her to camp and show Will Tucker.

“Here.” She says shoving it into my hand. “Will said they suck.” And with that, she leaves. Then the waterfalls come out.

Stupid waterfalls.

Hey there! Poor Maria right?.
I can't relate cause I don't have many friends.
Except for you guys of course.
Make me smile and tap on that little star below this page.

Lots of love. Hannah

P.S I want you guys to please check out my other books.

ROAD TO ROCK BOTTOM (I'm currently writing this one)

Also, I think I have a thing for writing different books and not completing them. Sorry, I'm just a super lazy person.
I've completed all these books on my jotter but to transfer them in here is what put's me off.
But I promise I'll be hardworking next time.


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