Eyes IV [Seokjin and Namjoon's Encounter]

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Seokjin sat on his little stool as the night passed by. He was working at a convenience store now. The entire plan had somehow grown successful. They were now living in Old Seoul, in a rather small apartment and minimum wage jobs.

Namjoon had gotten his eye deactivated, which meant he now had a real eye. Seokjin, on the other hand, was still with his.

Seokjin could feel his chest fill with worry. It was way too easy. He knew that for a fact. The entire plan had gone right, they didn't have to fight, the entire department was supposedly okay with whatever Namjoon told them. At the least of it, he knew Namjoon didn't utter a single word about the war.

He looked at the small TV. The news were utterly uninteresting and boring, considering the time.

"Good morning" Seokjin heard someone say.

Seokjin turned his head and looked at the man. He smiled as he caught a glimpse of his face.

"Hello sir" He answered. "Only the bar?"

"Yes," The man said.

Seokjin swore he could see him lit up in happiness. He shrugged it off as he gave the man a small bag. He followed the man as he walked out into the noticeably cold night.

"Must be a newcomer" Seokjin mumbled as he saw the man stroll past.

His thoughts slowly went back to his worry. He tried to connect the dots of the situation without entering into a blind panic.

He looked at the TV once more and frowned as he recounted the entire thing.

A loud beep ringed in Namjoon's ears. His vision was blurred over. His head was throbbing.

Pain shot through his entire body as he tried to take a deep breath.

He looked around as his eyes finally adjusted. He was inside his car but completely turned over. His brain processed the situation quickly as he could smell gasoline. He took off his seatbelt.

He let out a scream of pain as his body moved. His leg was stuck between the passenger seat, or what's left of it, and his own. He could see that the entire side of the car was sunken in.

He took a deep breath as he pulled at the leg, only to let out another yell. His vision was blurring over with tears again as he looked around. He could only see the floor and the road.

The beeping resumed as his breath hitched in his throat. The panic was settling in as his throat closed down almost immediately.

He closed his eyes tightly as he began to feel dizzy. The blood was rushing to his head. He inhaled again only for another shot of pain to go through him.

The smell of gasoline intensified.

His chest tightened as smoke slowly entered his nose. His entire system was freaking out. The small space, the smoke, his trapped leg. Everything began to spin as he tried to catch his bearings. His breathing became impaired as he tried to find a way out.

He moved his toe slightly only to feel nothing. A small tear escaped his eye as he registered this fact. His body and mind seemed to calm down as he took deep breaths.

"This is not the time to freak out" He mumbled as he tried to check more of the car.

He turned his head and noticed

He looked out at the road only to see a pair of legs run towards the car. The door next to his opened as he looked at the android.

The white being blinked at him as it looked around the car. It stopped and pointed its hand towards his leg.

Namjoon was left speechless as he watched the android move. It shot a small laser towards the metal and cut it open. The entire side fell over as Namjoon hissed in pain.

He leaned on the android as they walked towards the ambulance.

"Thank you" He mumbled as he sat on the levitating platform.

The android only nodded back.

Namjoon felt the cold air hit his face as he walked home.

"Namjoon!" He heard someone call.

He turned around and smiled at the man. Hoseok jogged toward Namjoon with a smile of his own.

"How did the session go?" Hoseok asked as he caught up.

Namjoon shrugged. "Pretty okay"

"How is Seokjin doing?" Hoseok said as the arrived at Namjoon's apartment complex.

"He is doing well. He is adjusting to the new eye" Namjoon said as he entered the building.

The walked towards the elevator with long strides as they both knew where the conversation was really going.

"When are we going to the South?" Hoseok asked once the elevator closed.

"I have no idea" Namjoon answered. "Sam basically disappeared"

Hoseok sighed. "What about Taehyung and Jimin?"

"He is on a trip to New Hong Kong. Not sure if the signal works" Namjoon said "Jimin is focusing on his studies right now"

The doors opened. They were met with Seokjin. Namjoon and Hoseok shared a look before approaching the older male.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked as he noticed Seokjin looking at the ground.

"The entire thing was overly planned," Seokjin said. "They wanted us to leave"

Namjoon frowned at his friend's cryptic words.

"New Hong Kong knew all along about America's plan," Seokjin said as he turned around and walked down the hallway.

The other two rushed to catch up to him.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok asked, worry covering every inch of his face.

"We made a big mistake," Seokjin said. "I hacked into the building's system and found the files again. They were intact."

Namjoon paused as he processed his friend's words, only to frown.

"Can anyone tell me what you two are talking about?" Hoseok asked as the silence extended for way too long.

"I fixed the files' code," Namjoon said as Hoseok's eyes grew.

Hoseok ran past both of them as he reached the stairs.

"They are planning something," Namjoon mumbled as he entered the apartment and rushed towards his computer.

Seokjin sighed as he followed his friend.

"Taehyung. They caught up to Taehyung" Seokjin said. "Just like they caught up to you"

Namjoon froze completely. He closed his eyes waiting for him to continue.

"They are waiting for the bomb to explode"

The "Human" Series  [BTS Fanfiction]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin